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I had just finished my training session and was heading to my car when my phone started ringing. "Hello?" I answer.

"Is this Marlana?" The other voice asks.

"That depends, who is this?" The man on the other line chuckles before answering, "Feisty one I see, this is Seth."

"Seth who?"

"Rollins." Holy shit. 

"Oh hey! How did you get my number?"

"I always get what I want, darling." He said, his voice smooth & sexy. Seth was always one of my wrestler crushes so this is wasn't something I had never suspected would happen.

"Is that so?" I retort back and he chuckles.

"It is."

"So what do I owe this pleasure of a mystery phone call?"

"Well, you're definitely a feisty one, Ms. Nicole." It was my turn to laugh at that comment. "But to answer your question, I just wanted to ask you to lunch tomorrow. A little "welcome to the company" lunch."

Some on pinch me because SETH ROLLINS JUST ASKED ME TO LUNCH!

Okay marlana calm down, act professional. "Sure, that sounds great."

"Awesome, I'll pick you up around 1. Wear something, nice."

"Okay, see you then! Goodbye Seth."

"Goodbye darling." I hang up the phone and lay my head down on the steering wheel.

"Not a bad first day."


"Hello Marlana, you look ravishing." Seth says to me as we walk to his car. I blushed, hard.

"Why thank you Mr. Rollins." I teased back, causing him to laugh lightly.

"I think me and you are gunna be great friends."

"Is that so?"


"So, tell me Marlana, how long have you been wrestling?"

"About 2 and a half years."

"Wow, and already here, in the WWE. Very impressive." He winks at me, causing me to blush again.

"Thank you, actually, uh, you're one of my main inspirations."

His eyes light up and eyebrows raised at my confession and a smirk appeared on his face. "Is that so?" He questions, his smirk getting bigger the more he talks.

"Oh yeah, I've been a fan of you since you were Tyler Black. I'm a big shield fan, plus your athletic ability is out of this world."

"Nice to know. I've actually been watching you for a while too so when I saw Candace giving you the your of the facility, I was excited because I wanted the opportunity to work with you. You are an incredible talent. I'd love to get to know you more and mold you into your true form. You're going to be a trail blazer and icon. I can tell."

Tears start to well in my eyes at that comment and I think Seth noticed. "Sorry, you just don't know how much those words mean to me. I really appreciate that. The road and journey to being here hasn't been the easiest and hearing you say that just makes it all worth it and make me want to work even harder."

"That right there is what's gunna make you a star. Your passion and emotion, that feeling that you have right now, that is what it's all about. I can't wait for your first match next week. I'll help you prepare." The way he looks at me with those big beautiful eyes, the intensity and security makes me trust him.

"Thank you Seth, I really appreciate that."

"The pleasure is all mine, darling."

"Thank you for lunch, I can't wait to start this journey with you."

"Same here Ms. Nicole." He gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Meet me at the performance center tomorrow morning. Time to get even more people on the Marlana Nicole Crew. They don't know what they're missing."

I smile really big, " I can't wait." He gives me a wink and drives away.

Little did I know, Seth would capture my heart.

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