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Today was the day. My debut in NXT. I can't believe it was finally here. I also couldn't stop thinking about Seth. He kissed me a couple days ago and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I dont want people thinking that I'm a ring rat or that I'm only getting what I get because of who I'm with. Not that I'm with Seth or anything but I just don't know. It's different going from having him as a wrestling crush to actually liking him.

I had just finished lacing up my boots and was listening to music when I saw him walk through the door. He smiles at me and I pull my headphones out and smile back at him. "Hey." I say to him and he walks closer to me. He rests his hands on my shoulder and then starts playing with my hair.
"Are you ready Marlana?" He asks and I nod my head.

"I'm super nervous but more excited." I take a deep breath and he smiles down at me.

"You've worked your whole life for this moment. You've made it darling." My heart flutters at the nickname and lay my head on his chest. "And after the show, I want you to meet me at my hotel room. I have some things I want to discuss with you."

I lift my head up and nod. "Okay. Sounds good." He grabs my chin with his fingers and looks deeply into my eyes. "I'm proud of you. Go kill it out there. I know you'll do great. You always do." He hesitates for a second before pressing his lips to mine again. This time I'm eager to kiss him back. My arms go around his neck and his hands go to my waist, pulling me close to him. My body just reacts to him. I can't stop it. A knock on the door breaks us apart. It was Candace.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting." She says and I shake my head.

"Uh no you're good. What's up?"

"It's time." She says and I nod to her before she leaves. I turn back to Seth. He presses his lips to mine again.

"Go get them, darling."

I hit my finisher and pin Candace. I get the three count and my arm is raised in victory and I can't believe it. I drop to my knees as the cheers explode through the arena. "Here is your winner! Marlana Nicole!" The tears threaten to spill and I can't describe this moment.
"Candace I can't thank you enough for this opportunity. This was a dream come true. I'll be forever grateful." I tell her and she hugs me."

"Marlana you are extremely talented and I'm just glad that everyone gets to see it now."

"Thank you. I have to go now but I'll see you soon."

"Going to Seth's?" She asks with a smirk.

I laugh and I feel the heat rush to my cheeks. "Yeah, he said he wanted to talk to me after."

"I bet he wants you two to be official."

"I don't know." I drag out and Candace gives me a questionable look.

"What is it Marlana?"

"It's just I do like him a lot but I don't want people thinking I'm only getting opportunities because of who I'm with or will be with."

"Can I give you some advice?" She asks and I give her a nod. "Stop thinking about what other people think. You're here because Vince, Stephanie and Hunter saw something in you. You're here because you deserve to be and you didn't start getting involved with Seth until recently and if you like him, just go for it. He's a great guy and I know he would treat you like a queen. Plus the dude is hot. Don't tell Johnny I said so." She says with a wink causing me to laugh.

"I guess you're right." I say and she gives me a hug. "Thanks Candace."

I turn to leave and she stops me "I want details."

I laugh and nod "You'll be the first to know."

"Good. Now go get you a man."


I arrive at the hotel room and knock on the door.  Seth opens it and smiles, "Hey darling."

"Can I come in?" He looks at me hesitantly.

"I know I asked you to come but I uh actually had something come up." He says.

"Who's at the door babe?"

Babe? That's when I see a young blonde in the room. She was pretty much naked. Seth notices my reaction. "Marlana, it's not what you think." I feel the years start up. This was supposed to be a great night. Now it was ruined.

"I can't believe you." I take my hand and slap him across the face. I turn and run away with tears in my eyes. Fuck you Seth.

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