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//trigger warning//

Sometimes the darkness consumes me. I had avoided Seth all day because he wouldn't want to see me like this.

I can't control it and I hate that I'm this way.

My phone rings again. I look at it and of course it's Seth. I click the lock button to keep it from ringing.

I sit in the bathtub trapped in my own thoughts when I hear a knock on the front door.

"Marlana, it's me darlin, it's Seth. Open up." More tears slide down my face and I pull my knees up to my chest.

"Marlana baby please, I'm worried about you."

Moments later, I hear the door open and hear him looking for me. "Marlana!" He shouts and he reaches the bathroom door.

"Baby are you alright?" He pleads on the other side of the door. "I can hear the water, let me in please."

"Marlana I'll break down the damn door." He says and I see him picking the lock.

He opens it and soon I feel the shower curtain being open and his eyes reach mine. He reaches down and wipes the tears.  "What's wrong?" He asks and I shake my head and lay my head on my knees.

"Come on, get out of the tub." He says and reaches his hand out. I look up at him and place my hand in his.

When I'm out he takes a towel and wraps it around my body. I look in the mirror and I can tell how worried he is. "Turn around." He tells me and I listen. He looks at me and sighs before bringing my body close to his, one arm around my waist and his hand in my hair as he holds me close.

I start sobbing in his chest. "I-I'm sorry." I choke out and I feel him shake his head.

"Shh baby it's okay, I'm here now. You're safe." I continue to cry into his chest and he hugs me tighter. "Darlin, please stop crying. I hate it when you cry." I pull my face from his chest and he wipes away the tears again. "Come on, let's get you some clothes and get you in bed." I follow behind him as he gives me a pair of shorts, panties and one of his t-shirts.

I reach out to grab them when he shakes his head, grabbing the underwear first and sliding them up my legs, followed by the shorts and then he pulls the t shirt over my head and kisses my forehead, pulling the hair out from under the shirt. "Go lay down, I'm getting you something to eat since I'm sure you haven't ate anything."

I crawl onto the bed and turn the tv on, waiting for him to return. He comes back with a random assortment of food and drinks and gets in bed next to me. I feel him looking at me as I keep my eyes focused on the tv screen.

"Marlie baby, come here." He says and I turn to him and scooting over to sit next to him. "Eat something please."

"I'm not-" he shakes his head handing me something and I take it. "Please."

I start eating and he places his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. I lay my head on his shoulder and I feel him relax a little bit and kiss the top of my head.

I point to the drinks and he hands me one. When I finish everything he turns the tv off and lays down, me scooting down to lay my head on his chest. "You know I love you right?" He asks and I nod.

"You need to talk to me Marlie. I spent the whole day searching for you and assuming I did something to hurt you. I was so fucking worried." I feel his heart beating faster and I lean up, kissing him.

"I'm sorry. I just, I had an off day."

"It's more than that Mar. I've never seen you be so distant. I've never seen you so sad and silent. Is it me? Did I do something? Because I'll fix it."

"No it wasn't you but if I tell you I'm sure it would drive you away." He sits up and takes my hands in his.

"Just talk to me." I look up at him and my heart breaks at the sight. He had a single tear slip down his face.

I take my hand and wipe it away and he places his hand over mine that holds his face. I look down and start talking to him. "Every so often I go into this darkness and my demons just take over and I just feel numb. It's been so bad to the point where I wanted to end it all, other times I just do something to numb the pain. Let's just say, you came at the perfect time today."

I feel the tears spill again, knowing that he's about to leave me. "It's okay if you want to leave. I understand." 

He laces his fingers with mine and presses his lips to mine. "I'm not going anywhere." He says against my lips and I start crying again. "Marlana. Look at me."

I bring my eyes to look at him and he kisses my forehead, "I love you."

"I don't deserve you or your love. I'm not capable of being loved. My own mother doesn't so why should I expect anyone else to."

"You are the most beautiful girl in the world Marlie. You are the strongest person I know. There is nothing you can't do. You never cease to amaze me. I'm so lucky that you even gave me the time of day."

"What if I'm not enough for you? Or you get tired of us?"

"Not enough? Baby you're everything to me. I've had the best months of my life since I've been able to know you and get to love you and nothing will ever change that."

"Are you sure? Because everyone leaves and I'm telling it's okay."

"I'm not leaving and if I have to prove that to you everyday for the rest of our lives then I will."

"You want me for the rest of your life?"

"Yes, I do. I want to be the power couple and marry you one day and have kids and grow old and everything. It's cliche but it's true."

"I've never felt so wanted in my entire life." He smiles and presses his lips to mine. 

"I love you Marlie."

"I love you Seth."

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