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I watch Marlana has she soundly sleeps next to me. Her beautiful brown hair covering part of face. I move the hair put of her face and behind her ear, placing a kiss on her forehead. She stirs a little and then her eyes flutter open. "Hey darlin." I whisper and she smiles.

"How long have I been asleep?" She asks and I chuckle. She would be worried about how long she slept.

"Not long." I tell her and she moves to sit up but I stop her, bringing her close to me. "You know I love you right?" I ask her and she lifts her head to meet my eyes.

"Yes and I love you too."  She says. I wrap her up in my arms tightly. I have to leave tonight and I'm not ready for her to be alone. "Is everything okay Seth?" She asks me.

"I uh, I have to fly out tonight." I say and she nods.

"I understand Seth. I'll be okay." She says and gets out of the bed.

"I don't want to go, Marlie." I say as she comes back into the room from the bathroom.

"You need too. Candace is coming soon to go with me to my doctor's appointment."

"I should be doing that." I say and rest my face in my hands. She kneels in front of me and removes my hands from my face. "Look at me." She says and I look down at her.

"Look it would be different if this was your baby, but unfortunately it isn't so there's no need."

"What if it is mine?" I ask and she stands up and starts pacing, I know her head is spinning with thoughts. "I mean think about it, of all times that we have had sex and then he you know, how can you be so sure it isn't mine? "

"You could be right but I don't want to get our hopes up."

I finish packing and she sits on the bed. "For what it's worth, I know you'll be a great mother." 

"Seth I'm sorry I'm putting you though this, I really would understand if you don't want me anymore."

"Stop saying that. Through thick and thin remember?" I press a kiss to her lips, "I'll call you when I land."


"Seth thinks it could be his." I tell Candace as we wait for the doctor to come in.

"I mean that is a possibility. What are your thoughts on that?"

"I would love more than anything for it to be his but I don't want to get our hopes up."

"Whatever happens, Seth loves you and he will do anything for you."

"I know. I just hate all of this. He doesn't deserve this. Now not only is he blaming himself but my career is put on hold and my fans don't know why. I feel like I'm failing everyone."

After that statement the doctor walked in along with a detective. "Don't worry Mrs. Lopez or Rollins, we will catch this man and make sure you're taken care of." The doctor says and I smile lightly and grab a hold of my best friend's hand.


Seth had flown back for the weekend and I really have missed him. "Seth?" I ask and he turns around from the sink in the kitchen. "Yes?"

"I need to talk to you." I tell him and he nods and follows me to the couch.

"What's on your mind darlin?" He asks me, looking into my eyes and tucking my hair behind my ears.

"You remember how I had my doctor's appointment last week?" I ask and he nods. "Well, they actually caught the guy who did this to me."

"That's amazing news!" He shouts in excitement.

"There's something else." He looks at me waiting for me to continue. "Stay right here, I'll bring it to you."

I come back with the ultrasound picture and give it to him. "Wow." He says. Unsure of what to feel.

"Seth, baby."

"Yeah?" He looks up at me.

"Turn it around." I tell him and I watch as he does. He reads the back of it and his jaw drops and tears from in his eyes.

"M-Marlie, does this mean?"

"Yes. You're going go be a father Seth."

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