Time for school

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One week, since Peter moved in with thr World Mightest Heroes and everybody is acting as a family.

It is 6:15 in the morning and Peter doesn't like waking up. So here goes a question.

How many Avengers do you need to wake up a Spider?

"Peter, you are going to be late for school" Tony yelled from the kitchen

"He goes to college?" Bruce asked taking a sip of his Coffee

"Yep" Tony said drinking his coffee too

"But he is like a genius" Bruce said

"Yes, but he wants a normal life, also he has straight A's all the time" Tony said shrugging

"Which is his IQ?" Bruce asked

"Friday which is the IQ of Mr. Parker?" Tony asked to his AI

"Good morning Mr. Stark" Friday said " Mr. Parker's IQ is 225 same as yours and Bruce"

Both men spit their coffees. At the same time all the rest of the Avengers arrived from their acivities. Steve, Bucky and Sam were running. Wanda was sleeping and Vision was watching TV waiting for her. Thor was in the training room. Loki was doing some magic. Clint and Nat were receiving a notification from S.H.I.E.L.D.

"What the hell!" Tony shouted

"Language" Captain said taking some pancakes that were prepared by Bucky before go running

"He is as inteligent as us, he can go to college or with us to work in new technology and science" Bruce said

"Who is as inteligent as you man of iron?" Thor asked

"The kid that I have to wake up for school" he answered

"Seriously?" Bucky asked

"Yes, I am serious, and now I am going to see. Why he is not coming" Tony said

Tony went to Peter's room, to find an asleep kid.

"Kid is time to wake up" Tony said

"Im tired" he said yawning. And then he stuck his hand to the wall and his feet to the bed, also his body to the blankets.

"Ok, so I will have to take you out from the bed" Tony said and tried to take his blankets. But he couldn't.

"Steve, Bucky I need your help. This kid isn't moving and has to go to school" Tony yelled

Steve and Bucky entered in the room and helped Tony, but couldn't move the kid.

"Tony, he is not moving" Bucky said

"Tell me something Idk" Tony said rolling his eyes

"Let me call the others" Steve said running out of the room

Minutes later, everybody was in the room.

"Wanda, use your powers and try to move him, Vision, Cap, Bucky and Clint try moving his legs. Bruce, Thor, Loki, Nat and I are taking his arms" Tony said

"And me?" Sam asked

"Try to take his pillow, because it is lkke he is glued to the bed" Cap answered

They tried 3 times to make Peter leave his bed.

The first time, Peter only groaned and nobody couldn't move him.

The second time, they tried harder and moved all the bed.

The third time, they moved him, but with a piece of wall in his hand and all the balnkets.

"Ok guys, I am up, I am up. And you don't have to train, I know how difficult is to make me get up" Peter said chuckling "And I am mid-sleep"

Everybody was exhausted for trying to get up Peter and were pale when he said that it was only half of his strenght.

"Tha-that was half of your strenght" Loki said breathlessly

"Yep, my friend. Oh sorry Mr Loki" Peter said blushing

"No problem kiddo, call him Loki, and the others by their names too" Tony said

"Oh ok Mr. Stark" he said while taking some clothes

"Kid, IT APPLIES FOR ME TOO!!!!" Tony said annoyed

"I'm sorry Mr. Stark" he said

"Well, Avengers lets go and have breakfast" Steve said

When they were out, Peter changed his pijamas into a science shirt, jeans, and a sweater. He took his backpack and ran to the kitchen.

"Hey my friends, I am prepared" he shouted, jumping on the ceiling and sitting upside down.


"Nope" he told her back

"Peter come sit down kiddo, you have to eat and then go to school" Tony said

Peter made a flip and finished it perfectly.

"Kid, you can be an Olympian" Sam said chuckling

"It wouldn't be fair for the others competitors" Peter answered, he looked at the clock and noticed that it was late.

"It's late guys, I gotta go" he said rushing to the elevator

When the Avengers were sure he wasn't near there, they broke the silence.

"How is it possible, that we can deal with a bunch of aliens, but not with a teenage to make him get up" Tony said, a bit shocked

"I don't know Stark, but that kid is pretty strong" Steve said

"I think, that we should look for another way to wake him up, than all of us in his room" Nat said

"We will have to think a little bit more, that is for sure"  Sam said

"I can do a spell that can wake him up, when we want" Loki said

"And why you didn't tell us before brother?" Thor said

"Because I still am the god of mischief" Loki answered

Each Avenger glared at him, but they decided they will do it. Because Tony didn't want to have to repair holes everyday.


Hey guys!!!! Are you enjoying the book? Tell me if you do so,  I will post another. Bye for now🤗

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