Saying Sorry Sometimes Doesn't Cut It

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●Peter's Pov●

They had forgot. They could have been busy. Yes that might be the reason.


"Hey guys" I said smiling widely at my family, while they were chilling in the living room

"Hi Pete" Mr. Stark said

"I wanted to ask you something, would you- forget it, it is not important, I am going to my room" I said

"Woah kid, calm. Tell us, we are your family" Sam said

"I wanted to know, only if you can, if you don't, it doesn't matter" I said, but the truth is that it was important for me that they go.

"Tell us little brother" Wanda said smiling, surely she read my mind.

"Would you go to my award ceremony on Saturday at 4:30pm? I won the first place for making the most advanced technological project" I said mumbling the rest of what I said after the question. I blushed.

Obviously Bucky heard more clearly than Cap.

"What was your project about" he asked

"Nothing too impressive" I said blushing more

"FRIDAY" Tony said

"Mr. Parker created an hologram bracelet connected to nanotech. He really impressed the teachers and some people of Colleges as Harvard, Cambridge and MIT. Being the latter, the first to offer him a free entrance, and that he could ebter at this age to the latest and superiors  years" she answered

The Avengers were amazed. And if Mr. Stark looked proud, nobody said it.

"Peter thats amazing" Rhodey said

"Thanks" I said blushing

"And yes we will love to go" Nat said

"I can call Shuri if you want" Bucky said

"Thank you" I replied

"We won't not go" Tony said. We all laughed


But now, I am here, with my trophy, an award and only MJ, Ned and Shuri. Saying that I am sad, will be an understatement.

"Cheer up dude. You should be happy" Ned said

"Maybe they couldn't make it" Shuri said smiling sadly

"Yeah loser, they will necer let you down and if they did. I will show them how mighty they are not" MJ said

A give them a small smile.

After, 1 hour we made it to the tower. Ned and MJ went home. Shuri was the only one with me when we entered and then I saw the truth. All of them were watching movies. I couldn't stop the sting of my eyes. Then Bruce noticed us. Shuri's eyes were showing anger.

Bucky put pause to the movie.

"Hey kids, where do you were?"  Clint asked

"W-we were..." I couldn't finish and ran to my room and locked my door. I put my back on the  wall and slid slowly until I was sat and started crying.

'They didn't go because they thought, it was more important to watch movies? No, maybe I am only a burden and I have been bothering them. Other things are more important than me, I knew it. This is all my fault, I bothered them' I thought and cried.

I cried and cried, then stood up. My head pounded, it hurted a lot. I continued crying and laid on my bed and continued crying. Until black spots appeared on my vision and I passed out.

●Shuri's Pov●

Peter left, sure to cry. I was angry. How could they do this to Peter?

"What were you thinking?" I said angry towards them

"What are you talking about Shuri?" Bucky said

"Don't play the dumb with me!" I snapped

"Hey Shuri calm down, what is wrong with Peter?" Steve said concerned

"What is wrong! WHAT IS WRONG! He told you this week. Today that boy received a prize for being the genius he is. I was too impressed, that I asked him to make with me another one and he gave one more advanced. He wanted you to be there when he received the trophy. Families of other children clapped and cheered for him and principles of colleges did the same. But instead of celebrate and be happy, he was upset because he thought you didn't want to be there. Because he thought what he created wasn't as impressive to have all you there. And now that boy who is a cute little genius, is in his room probably crying thanks to your ignorance" I yelled to them.

They looked guilty, ashamed and some had tears.

"Sorry for interrupting you, but it seems Mr. Parker has passed out for stressing too much and his senses were in override. He was crying before it happened" FRIDAY said

I glared at them and pointed towards Peter's room. They went hanging his heads.

●Third Person Pov●

" FRIDAY unlock the door" Tony said

There was Peter with his head on the pillows. Bruce walked towards him first and turned him. Peter's face was red and sweaty. Bruce felt his forehead.

"Guys he has a slight fever for stress" Bruce said sadly

"And this is our fault" Wanda said sadly

Rhodey walked to the bathroom and took a towel and washed it with water for put it on the forehead of Peter. He put the towel in Peter's forehead. He started waking.

"Hi guys" he said, sitting up. "Why do I have this?" He said, taking away the towel and standing up

"Peter please, wait a moment you passed out for stress" Bruce said worried

"Oh yes" he said remembering he cried and why. His head still hurting a little.

"Buddy, we wanted to say sorry. We didn't remember it was today. We thought it was next week" Tony said giultily

"No, don't worry it is my fault" Peter said walking towards the window and looking outside.

"No Peter that is not true is ours. We are really sorry. We wanted to be there, but we thought it was next week" Steve said

"We know saying sorry sometimes doesn't cut it, we are going to make it for you" Nat said

"I don't know guys. This was important to me" Peter whispered almost inaudible, but Steve caught it. He hugged the kid tightly, then everybody joined. Vision picked up Peter from the center and took him to his bed, because his eyelids started to close from exhaustation thanks to the time he cried and the slight fever for the stress. Sam put the wet towel on his head and they left the teen with Shuri that stayed watching vines, exhausted too.

They made Peter upset. And sorry sometimes its not the answer, they will be better for him. They will act more as the family they are.


1092 words!!!! This was another chapter, yay! This week I have a holiday so probably it will be more easy to write. Next chapter will have something that I have been thinking for a long time and I finally decided to make it. Hope you liked this chapter and that you are enjoying my book!🤗💖

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