You can do gymnastics?

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Swinging around, doing flips, handstands, tricks of all kind. Spiderman was known for those kind of technics while fighting. And nobody knew hiw exactly he gained those skills, because seriously, he was a master in flexibility.

The Avengers were thinking about this while looking their baby spider train.

"Hey Peter" Scott tried to gain his attenrion succesfully. Peter landed after a double flio perfecrly on the floor.

"Yes?" Peter said

"We have been wondering something about your skills..." Sam said cutting Scott

"Really? The spider ones?" Peter asked with a smile

"Well it depens..." Bucky said and Peter frowned at that.

"It depends?... Depends on what?" Peter asked in return

"Let's go to the point" Natasha said trying to avoid the stupid ways the boys were asking "How can you do all your trick? You trained or you gained them with your spider powers?" Nat asked and Peter smiled excited for the question nobody had the courage or the interest to ask before.

"I can do gymmastics..." Peter started "but not thanks to my spider powers, I trained as a kid to have this skills"

"That's awesome kiddo" Tony said with pride leaking through his tone.

"Yeah... And I am sure that I am the most flexible here" Peter said smirking

"Kid... Don't take it wrong, but Nat is the lost flexible" Clint said

"I am sorry katniss, but I have to support my kid in this and I think he is more flexible than our spy here" Tony said and Nat smiled

"I think that we should see who is right, don't you think so Pete?" Nat asked her nephew

"I think the same auntie Nat" Pete replied her

In less than 10 minutes, all the gymnastics items in the training room were prepared for their demonstration.

"These are the rules, Capsicle, T'challa and Sam are the judges. They will choose how you should show your skills. The person with more score wins. That's all"  Tony said and then bowed as if he was a director of  a show.

The 3 Avengers in charge of judging were whispering until there was only silence.

"We have chosen that you should show your skills through 3 tricks" Steve announced

"You can use whatever implement you want" Sam said

"But your score depends on how flexibility is used in those tricks" T'challa told the 2 gymnasts that nodded

"Well start then" Clint yelled

Nat was showing her first trick. She made a split and touched her knee with her forehead turned on her back bending her other leg so her foot was on the floor to support part of her body, then put her hands on each side of her head and used her strenght to walk forming half a moon with the leg that was touching her forehead sticking in the air nicely. She took impulse and passed to do a handstand then being standing straight.

She got a 9 from Steve, an 8.5 from T'challa and a 7 from Sam. He was a difficult one.

Peter was uo to his trick. He bent his body forward with his legs slightly separated then he put his hand in between his legs, his arms taking the weight off his legs, his feet were a few centimeters away from the floor and in the air, then he moved his body more until it looked he was going to sit but then he moved his body with full force to a handstand, then he made a split with his legs in the air and his left leg, that was the one in the direction of his back, bent until his foot touched his head. Then he was standing as if he did nothing.

He receive a 9 from T'challa, a 9.5 from Steve amd a 7 from Sam, he wasn't in the mood.

Nat did her other trick then, it was a fast one she did a double flip, then with impulse she turned in the air made a handspring, and ended with her standing in her left leg while her right leg was totally straight next to her head touching her body. It looked painful.

She got a 10 for T'challa, a 9.5 from Steve and a 9 from Sam.

Peter wanted to low their expectations, so he just took a ball, kneeled on the floor and put the ball between his legs, then he arched his back until his forehead was touching the ball and he was looking the floor. He looked like a ring and his back looked like rubber.

He received a 9 from T'challa, a 9.5 from Steve and an 8 from Sam.

"Well baby spider, this is oir last trick and it seems like I am winning" Nat said

"It looks like that" replied Peter but avoiding to show a smirk.

Nat took space, then took a hula and then put it under her, so she stood inside of it. She started arching her back until she could take part of the plastic implement she passed it through her body, she threw it to the air and then made a handstand to stand up taking it with her hand, then taking the rope that was near there and lay on the floor with her stomach down. She put the rope on her feet amd didn't deparate them from the floor, then she used it as a help to arch her back until it was touching her legs.

She received a 10 from Steve, a 10 from T'challa and an 8 from Sam.

Peter smirked then.

"Guys, maybe you are no prepared to see this" he warned them

"What? Do you chicken out now?" Clint snorted

Peter shrugged and started the trick.

He lay on the floor with his stomach down, then he put his chin on the floor so he was looking forward, he put his hand in each side firmly and passed his over his head. He arched his back totally and his legs were touching his head without bending them, they were straight. He then just bent them and stood up, then he proceeded to do the same trick but this time instead of standing he make a kind of roll, without breaking the o like position.

The Avengers in the room had their mouths hanging open when he decided to stop. He laughed and took his things then left to his room.

Tony was the first one out of the shock, thanks to his dad instincts.

"I am going to see if he isn't broken" he said and left

The Avengers were there...scared out of their minds and thinking if it was normal or natural to bend their bodies like that.


I am not dead... at least not physically🤷🏻‍♀️ I just don't know why I am feeling this way.

I am sorry that I haven't updated too much lately. Here is the chapter starting with the most voted to less voted from the time I asked for requests. I also need to know which story or one shot would you like to have a second part.

Please comment th name of the chapter you want a second part of here. I will do it if three different users comment the title of that chapter here.

I know I am a horrible author, so I am sorry.

Avengers, Spideyson and Irondad... What is going to happen now? DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now