A little scary

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This was a request...

Peter was exhausted... That was the best word to describe his actual status.

He had projects all the week, Flash was taunting him, Ned was sick, MJ was in a family trip due to having too much 'stress' as she put it and criminals didn't take a break, so the friendly neighborhood spiderman neither.

Peter went to the kitchen, after not being able to sleep more than 6 hours during the whole week, he needed sugar to be awake, so hot chocolate was the best idea that popped in his mind. He served himself a big mug of hot chocolate and then drank it all, gaining a little amount of energy to continue with his day, but turned around to be met with Tony Stark arms crossed over his chest and a dad look.

"So you haven't sleep, huh?" Tony said

"I have slept" Peter replied

"That's a lie young man, FR IDAY told me you have only got 6 hours of sleep this week" Tony said in a dad tone

"You said that I haven't slept, not that I haven't slept enough" Peter clarified trying to go to his room in order to do his homework

"Well, no more skipping sleep hours, you are going straight to bed" Tony said putting his hands in Peter's shoulders and guiding him to his bedroom, Peter labeled there.

Peter entered his room and tried to go to his desk to do homework only to have Tony take his shoulders again and guide him towards his bed, making him lay there and then Tony tricked him and took all his school work

"I will take this and put it somewhere out of your reach" he said then proceeding to tell FRIDAY to dim the lights and close the curtains so that Peter could sleep

○Time skip○

Peter has slept 3 hours and the avengers where watching movies, until they heard a noise.

They all jumped into action and were in fight positions so that the person who was attacking them knew they were prepared.

But a teenage 15 year old walked in with his head down and inmediately irondad rushed at his side, but cap was there faster and Tony was a little thankful because next thing that happens

"Peter are you ok, did you have a nightmare" Cap asked and then put his hands on Peter's shoulders only to have the spiderson taking his wrist and throwing him above his head and on the floor. Cap hissed in pain and that's why Tony was thankful it wasn't him, Cap was a supersoldier, he wasn't.

Peter then continued walking to the sofa and all the avengers were in shock, but Natasha was moving swiftly between everyone to reach her baby spider and once he reached him she saw that he was asleep.

"Guys, he is sleepwalking" Nat informed and Tony started typing in his phone very fast.

Then je decided to go towards Peter and started passing his hands through his curls.

Peter liked it and as a kitten he moved his head towards the touch until he started yawning and waking up...

" Wh't happ'ned?" He said

"Well long story short... you sleepwalk"  irondad answered

Peter processed this in his tired brain

"WHAT?!" He said wide eyed


Sorry, I know it is short 😔

Avengers, Spideyson and Irondad... What is going to happen now? DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now