Peter and his secret

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The last period has just ended, cool!

Too late, it has to be ruined. Flash Thompson.

"Hey, Penis Parker!" He said shoving me in the lockers with a smirk. I can't fight back or I will hurt him

"How is the freak of the school?... Oh wait, I don't care" he said

"Flash is friday, don't bother me. I only waste time that I could use better listening to you" I said

"You have nothing better to do, you ate just a freak and a nerd. Someone that is nobody" he said then punched me in the face until he broke my nose. I hissed in pain, not wanting to give him the chance to see that it hurted. Then he punched my gut and throw me to the floor, kicking me, while I protected myself with my arms, my wrist hurts I think is sprained. Then he left.

I sighed and then stood up wincing in pain. I pull up my hoodie and went into the car Happy is waiting.

"Why didn't you come quickly?!" He said a little angry

"Sorry" I said trying not to wince in pain as I sat down and looked away, for him not to notice my nose and bruises. They hurt a lot

"How was your day?" He asked. It was his way to know if I was ok.

"Good" I whispered.

We arrived to the Compound and I ran out. The Avengers were out, so I showered and then when I finished my homework, I went to the living room, remebering what Flash said.

●Avengers (3rd person pov)●

"Hey guys, lets see what is Peter doing" Tony said while pulling out a tablet

"Ok" they said sitting around him, then he pulled out a hologram showing Peter in the living room area, his nose purple

"What the hell! His nose is purple" Tony said


"He has bruises" Bruce said

"Who hurted my детский паук?!?!" Nat said

"I will kill the person who did this" Bucky said

"Me too Buck-" Clint said only to be cut by Tony

"Look hr is doing something"

●Back to Peter●

Nobody is here and I have to liberate all my anger.

I started a beat, nobody knows this, not even Ned nor Aunt May.

"I am freak... I am a freak... I am nerd... I am a nerd...

I am a freak
I am a nerd
I don't care
I like myself

I read books
And thats ok
I can do physics
All my day

The maths I love
And problems I can solve
Giving them solutions
Till there is no confusion

I am a freak
I am a nerd
I don't care
I like myself

Science is magic
That we understand
My extended essay
Of equations will be about

I've always liked Chemistry
And in Biology I am strong
I know more than 2 languages
And I think I can learn more

I am a freak
I am a nerd
I don't care
I like myself

You can call me names
But you are wrong
You have been jealous
Since you were bornt

I am good at academics
I think its my genetics
They said I was bornt
To hit good scores

Thanks for the compliments
I try to do my best
To make you all proud
Of my future self

I am a freak
I am a nerd
I don't care
I like myself

I've had enough of bullying
I can't take it more
It doesn't matter what I do
Bother me is like their job

But finally I could express
And take out all my stress
Also I got a new song
For my writing record

I am a freak
I am a nerd
I don't care
I like myself

Am I a freak?
I don't care
Am I a nerd?
I like myself

This is my way
Being a nerd is okay
Only being yourself
The world'll be good again"

Then I liberated air that I didn't notice, I was holding. I went to watch TV


The Avengers stared as they saw Peter singing. That they were shocked, was an understatement.

"Peter..." Bucky said speechless

"Just..." Clint said speechles too

"Sang?..." T'challa said (yes he was there and Shuri too)

"I don't know that song" Shuri said "and I have listened almost them all"

"FRIDAY which is that song?" Tony said

"Well boss, it seems that Mr. Parker has just invented it, he said at the end of th lyrics
'But finally I could express
And take out all my stress
Also I got a new song
For my writing record'
It seems that he make songs when on stress, or sad, or too happy, sir. And also has more songs"

They were shocked again.

"I didn't know it... Peter is prodigy singer and has written lyrics" Tony said

"Well, the world is full of surprises" Loki said

"True brother" Thor said

"Wait! He said something about bullying?!?!?!" They all yelled

That will be another story, but now they all know what Peter can do and that he had an incredible talent.


851 words! A new story. I wrote the lyrics, I am not too good at it, but I expressed myself in it and I hope you liked it.

Avengers, Spideyson and Irondad... What is going to happen now? DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now