Asgard is Amazing (Part 2)

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"Tony, please stop pacing" Pepper tried to calm her fiance, but she was just as worried.

"I cannot calm Pepper, he is out there in who knows where, with who knows who else, with two fucking gods that stole him away!" Tony was panting at the end of his sentence, but one look at Peppers short tempered pose and he stopped himself. "I.. I am sorry Pep, but I am scared" Pepper hugged the frightened man and an orange circle appeared on time.

"Well Stark, what has got your head so out of itself?" Strange said stepping out of the magical orange glowing portal.

"There is no time for jokes, Strange... Peter has been kidnapped" Tony said seriously while Pepper facepalmed.

Strange turned serious and replied "Perhaps you could provide more detailed information avout this kidnapping"

"Thor and Loki had taken my kid to Asgard and I am not going to let them get the place as his favorite, that place is mine and mine only" Tony exclaimed.

"Anthony Edward Stark, just calm down and don't exagerate everything, you are acting like a kid who is lacking of attention... Now, Stephen, the problem seems to be that yes, Thor and Loki had taken Peter indeed without permission, annd we are very worried about the conditions of this, well, not programmed departure from him" Pepper, the calm one, stated.

"While Tony might have exagerated a bit, my intervention seems fit as  they may nott return the young teen" Strange said and the sparks and a portal lled the adults to a gold covered world.


Odin was pleased with the visit of his two sons, the arrival of the young boy that came with them brought joy to an usually calm and boring place. Yes, he was the father of all but having all the power he desired did not mean he did not get bored by daily routines. This, Peter, has lit a spark in his wife's eyes and he coud not deny that he was amused by his reactions to several things happening in his surroundings. The young one was easy too impress, but he should not be surprised as his worth for Thor's hammer proved just how pure he was.

"Uncle Thor look" Odin's thought were disturbed or rather blown away by the thrill in the human's voice and he could not hold the smile when seeing the child running towards his sons with one of the most heaviest asgardian weapons and the people viewing the scene gaping openly without believing one second of what was happeing after them.

The day went by with Odin and Frigga admiring and appreciating Peter, but the magic was broke by magic.

Through an orange portal, three mortals were crossing and entering his palace in the middle of dinner with who hopefully would accet the position as grandson of the Asgardian couple, as son of Loki or Thor, well their mother wouldn't havve any problem if he was of both, he knew his son Loki could be amother hen if he felt like it and his protectiveness over the child was quite easy to spot from a mile away. 

"Who saw themselves fit to interrupt the dinner of the asgardian royal family and their special guest?" Odin said.

"Uncle  Stephen? Mom? Dad?" The voice of the person in the mind of this people interrupted. "I am sorry Mr. Odin, I think they are llooking for me"

"That's for sure young man? Wait till we get home, how could you not tell us you were leaving? We were worried sick" His mom fussed over him while Peter blushed from the attention. 

"So you are the midgardian that has taken custody of the child, I would like to say that he is quite a young man, my husband and I would like to ask for your permission in order for him to become pat of the royal family" Frigga said and Loki grinned thinking  he would be the one in charge of the young one. 

"I can assure you that I will teach him everything he needs, inclluding magic" The god of mischief stated receiving a glare from the sorcerer in the room.

"I am sorry, Loki, but I am his magic teacher and he will have to come to the Earth with us" Strange said.

"But here, he could have everything he wished to acquire and I could teach him proper fight skills for a young hero" Thor said

"Yes, maybe, but he is my son. Peter Benjamin Parker Stark, or rather Peter Stark -Pepper I like the sound of it- so he will return to Earth with me" Tony replied easily and just as the gods were in position to debate or fight for Peter's custody Odin intervened.

"Well, if the young one cannot live here, maybe he can rerturn to Earth, be your son _Pointing to Tony_ study with you _pointing to Strange_ and Loki , learning and living with you and acquiring fight skills with Thor there, but visiting us weekly as his grandparents and part of the royal family" The father of all stated and even if Tony wanted to fight, Pepper sent a glare his way and replied.

"We would gladly accet that, but I think we need to return home today, this young man here has to explain why he did not have breakfast with us and left without asking" a look was sent Peter's way and the chill that it gave him did not went unnoticed, thank god Frigga -Bless her- Peter thought- said something.

"Why not finish dinner and then you can leave? Peter dear, you have still not eaten anything and you might be hungry"

Let's just say that Frigga convinced them, Peter became a grandson for the father of all and his wife; but then had to face the wrath of his parents at home, including a punishment he would rather not face again for skipping meals... Well at least his uncle Thor and Loki were happy, yes he had tear tracks but  cozy between his parents at home.


1000 words? I know not enough for a year abscent, I sincerely apologize, this was saved till the middle an inspiration made me struggle but at least I wanted to update this second part I promised. I am really sorry for my abscese and I am not sure if I will write again, but well if inspiration hits then maybe the day I write again will be nearer than what I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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