A model and he didn't tell us?

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Peter had a secret, a good hidden secret, how nobody knew it, he doesn't know and he doesn't care.

Because he isn't a one good for attention, but one day his secret will be discovered that was for sure, what he didn't know is that it was a very near day...

Peter was a model, and he had a session the first one that he will show his face.

He didn't accept before because he didn't want the attention but this time he accepted it.

He didn't know why but he did and here he was in a swimsuit and posing in front of a pool.

It will be posted in a magazine as the hottest 15 year old and was going in the principal part.

□Next day□

The magazine was posted, but Peter was confident that nobody saw it, so he walked through the school halls without any problem until a girl that he wasn't sure which her name was started running towards him, with the magazine in hand

"OMG THERE HE IS!!!" She shouted and then Peter looked around, everybody had that damn magazine.

And he was in the cover. Great.

He started walking quickly towards his class and thankfully made it, but he stopped death in his tracks when he saw MJ and Ned with the magazine and looking between mad and shocked towards him.

"I can explain" Peter said quickly

Then he noticed the rest of his class and the girls trying to flirt with him or playing with their hair. MJ was mad and seeing the girls made her more mad, she was in front oh his boyfriend in seconds and then hell broke.

"Get him" one girl shouted and everybody started running.

MJ took Peter by the hand and they ran as fast as they feet could take them.

They made it to the principal office and Mr. Morita looked at them strangely.

"Mr. Parker, Ms. Jones what brings you here?" He said politely

"Well..." Michelle said but was cut off with loud steps of people running outside and shouts like...

"We have to find him"

"And rip his sweater and shirt"

"Yeah, and rip his sweater and shirt"

"I have to get something, maybe a shoe"

"How is it that the hottest teen alive was in our school hiding his beautiful body amd we didnt notice?!?!?"

That caught Mr. Morita attention

"What's wrong with ghe students?" He asked MJ and Peter

"Well, Mr. Morita you know this magazine" MJ said showing him it

"Yeah, the students seem to like it a lot and they are like crazy for it, why?" Mr. Morita said

"Yeah...mmm... Do you recognize the boy in the cover?" Peter said shyly

Mr. Morita looked the cover then at Peter, then the cover then at Peter

"Mr. Parker it seems you are a celebrity now, but forgive my curiosity... How much time have you been a model? And why don't you try some sports it seems you can be good at them?" Mr. Morita said

"I have been a model for a while, but I never let them to post one with my face to avoid this, as for the sports I prefer the academic things" Peter replied easily

"Yeah, I would love to know why you hid it from your girlfriend" MJ whispered only for him to hear and he turned red

"Yeah I am sorry" Peter said

"Well, now why did you come here?" The principal asked

"Well it is the safest place for Peter to not be torn apart because they want his clothes or touch his abs... or at least it looks like that" MJ said shrugging

"Do you want me to call your guardian?" The principal asked

"If it is not a problem" Peter said scartching the back of his neck

"It is not, Ms. Jones please return to class" the principal said

"Sure sir" she said but then whispered in Peter's ear

"This is not over, and you are only mine" MJ said then left, leaving a red Peter behind.

The principal called Tony and Peter was waiting outside the office and a very well dressed Tony Stark appeared

"Peter why have I been called? Are you ok? Are you sick? Are you injured? Are you in problems? Tell me that you are in problems anf not that you are injured or sick" Tony said, giving him a pointed look

"No, no, no... none of those" Peter said shaking his hands in a no motion frantically

Tony sigh, freeing air he didn't know he was holding "Then why am I here?... Also why are there a bunch of students outside, nobody knew I was coming, it was difficult to enter here" Tony said, then noticed how pale Peter was "Peter, are you sure you are fine? Are you hiding it? Peter tell me whats wrong, do your head hurts? Do you feel cold or hot? Do you need to vomit? Peter-"

"They are waiting for me " Peter said with wide eyes and pointing to the door

"Why would they be waiting for you?" Tony asked with a raised eyebrow

Peter handed him the magazine. Tony took it.

When he saw Peter in the cover he was surprised, shocked, happy and proud, but a little sad because Peter didnt tell him

"Care to explain, why didn't I know these?" Tony said in a teasing tone trying to hide his upset one, but Peter noticed

"Sorry that I didn't tell you or the team dad...but I didn't want anyone to know" Peter said hanging his head

"Don't worry kid, I understand you are not one for attention, but the next time you hide something from me you are grounded" Tony said sternly but with a fake stern. Peter was a too good kid.

Peter smiled and then asked worried "what will we do with them?"

Tony smiled and went out "Give us space hormonal teenagers, the best, the one, the perfect, the billionaire, the philantropist, Iron man, Tony Stark wants to pass with his son... Excuse us" Tony said with Peter at his side hugging him, they were walking towards the car, but they didn't get to it...

"Get them" someone sgouted and Tony with Peter ran, but the car was surrounded so they started running to the other direction they had.... The street

Tony started pressing buttons in his clock and Peter in his bracelet hacking so the cars had to stop in the traffic lights they cross. Father and son were running for their lifes.

○At the Compound○

"...In other news, Tony Stark has been spotted with Peter Parker, the face of the magazine 'The hot top'  as the hottest teenager, running through the streets scaping from a bunch of teenagers trying to catch them, it seems that they wanted to take Peter and Mr. Stark arrived to save the day, having Peter as his personal intern, but then the problem turned bigger, now the teenagers want to catch them both, lets see more..." A reporter said now pointing the camera to the two Starks running as their lifes depended on it, and they did.

"Catch them" a boy yelled and then the teenager jumped and caught them

"Omg" Steve said

"I can't *laugh* with their *laugh* faces" Sam said laughing so hard that he fell from his spot in the couch

"Do you think, we have to save them?" Busky asked laughing but concerned

In the TV they saw Tony's suit appear and picking them by the arms. Their clothes were ripped. Peter didn't have his shoes and one dock and his sweater and shirt weren't the, he had marks of nails, meanwhile Tony thankfully still had his shirt, torn apart and giving a sight of his abs, but it was there. Their faces were of fear

"Nope, I am fine with this" Nat said laughing hard.


1316 words! Lovely, another request done...

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