Embarrased by my family... I prefer saying that I am sick (Part 2)

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I was there laying on the bed while waiting for Tony to arrive.

"You know ma'am, I am feeling better now" I said while standing up and walking to the door, but then I coughed thanks to the horrible flavour of that spray. I am thinking that it wasn't a good plan. She took mh wrist and made me sit on the bed.

"Sure, you can go when your guardian arrive" she said "You know that I know you are the best student of this school and that you don't like skipping classes, but you are sick and there is no space to protest"

Suddenly there is a knock on the door while she is taking my temperature again. I rolled my eyes mentally, I don't like when I have to be glued in a seat or worst in bed. The nurse that now I know her name is Cathy opened the door and there is Mr. Stark with Nat and Wanda. I started to stand up looking for another exit when the thermometer sounded.

*beep* *beep*

I am going to hate thermometers now.

"Good morning, my name is Tony Stark guardian of Peter, she is Nat" he said pointing to Nat " and she is Wanda" pointing to Wanda " we came to pick up Peter"

"O-of course" Cathy said impressed to see three avengers there " I was taking his temperature, he has a fever and was coughing and sneezing"

She then walked towards me, and took the thermometer, her eyes wide open.

"Mr. Parker you have now a 105.1 degrees fever" she said worried.

The eyes of the 3 avengers were wide. I only tried to smile nervously, but failed since I started to feel bad in real.

Then the nurse broke the silence again talking to the 3 avengers "He was like this in the morning?"

"No" Wanda said worry in her face

Tony sat next to me and put a hand on my forehead.

"Kiddo, when did you start feeling sick?" He said

"Since the second hour" I obviously lied

"Why you didn't come earlier?" The nurse said

"I thought, there wasn't something to worry" I said, and its true

"Well kid you are coming home with us now, and you need to rest" Nat said without any expression

But I wanted to go to patrol, I have to think better the next time... Or better don't have next time.

"But-" I said only to be cut by my sister (Wanda, I like to call her sister)

"No but, little brother" she said

"Если вы хотите выздороветь, вы должны отдохнуть, без обсуждения" Nat said in russian (if you want to recover, you have to rest, no discussion)

As the nerd I am, I learned russian "Ok" I mumbled a bit sad.

"One advice" the nurse said

"Yes?" Wanda replied

"He is a bit stubborn, he tried to escape from resting, keep an eye on him or instead of recovering is going to get worst" she said glaring at me.

I looked down to my lap.

○●○●○●○●○● AT THE COMPOUND ●○●○●○●○●○

We arrived to the Compound and I was cuddled in a ball, because I was freezing. This was the most terrible idea of my life. Tony opened the door and I went out of the car and rushed to the door.

Friday greeted us and opened the doors. I was running to the corridor when I see Steve there in front of me and Tony yelled

"Cap stop him"

Then I didn't make it because cap blocked it and I crossed my arms.

"Mr. Stark, I was going to my room" I said

"Why are you here earlier? Weren't you at the school?" Cap asked

"The nurse called me and said that Peter was sick" Tony said

"Oh! But then he can go to his room to resr" Cap said

That was my opportunity, I coughed, I rushed again but...

"Steve don't let him" Nat said and Cap caught me by my hoodie, I crossed my arms again. I want to go to patrol.

"Why? He needs to rest" He said

"Because he is stubborn and he is not going to rest, he is going to patrol" Nat answered. How she knows... Wanda, I facepalmed

"And what is the problem?" I snapped. They all glared to me and Cap guided me to the sofa. I coughed and sneezed.

"One: I want answers and Two: you have to rest kiddo" Tony said

"Well if your question is why and*cough* how I am sick, I think it was the insect spray, and it has side effects on me so. And second, I will be ok *sneeze*. It is not too serious" I said

"Sure, you look fine" Wanda said rolling her eyes.

"Friday lock all the compound and Peter can't go out until I tell you he can, because he is sick" Tony said smirking

Then Clint arrived.

"What happen here? " Clint said "And why is Peter here?"

Tony explained him everything.

"Ohhh, and why are his cheeks red?" He said looking to me

"I think, I am siiiiiick, duh" I said

"Sure" he said rolling his eyes, the others were confused except Nat

"Well..." I said standing up "bye" I said running to my room. I changed into pijamas and then went to the living room with a coughing fit.

"Hey kiddo! Where are you going, huh?" Tony asked making me stop in my tracks. "Specially with that cough and fever"

I rolled my eyes, but answered " As I can't go to patrol I was going to the living room to watch Netflix"

"You can go, but I'll telm Fri to scan your temperature since Bruce is not here like the others because they went to visit T'challa in Wakanda and we have to take care of you" he said

" I a-am so-sorry Mr. Stark" I said ashamed

"Don't be sorry kid, I only want you to be healthy and rest without scaping" he said giving me a look and raising his eyebrow

"Fine" I whispered and sighed walking to the living room, where I found Wanda watching Friends. But ghen I feel cold and went running to my room taking a blanket. Then I returned to the Living room and I sat next to Wanda.

"Hey Pete, how do you feel?" She asked

"Fine to go to patrol" I said making puppy eyes

"Ah ah, don't do that, you can-" she said, but I cut her sneezing and then with a coughing fit while cuddling in the sofa with the blanket. Just in time Nat and Tony appeared. Cap went to Wakanda 5 minutes ago.

"Hey kiddo, how are you feeling?" Tony said while taking a seat in the sofa and next to him Natasha.

"Fine*cough * fine" I said, my throat is sore.

"I don't think so" Nat said

"Friday scan him please" Tony said " and tell me what to give him for the cough"

Friday answered "Mr. Parker has fever, 105.6 degrees and growing, he need rest for 6 days despite his enhanced healing"


Omg! 1180 words. Thats cool! Are you enjoying the story? Lets see what happen with this spider when he doesn't want to rest and the avengers, well a little part of them, take care of him. I know this little story is a bit long but idk, I like it.
I am going to make one, in which Loki make him a baby by mistake.

Avengers, Spideyson and Irondad... What is going to happen now? DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now