The Return of the Stones

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Hey guys😁! That is the tittle of the new book I am writing, it is based on a request someone made and that I really liked it a lot.

This is the cover...

And here is the prologue...

     The war was coming to an end, the ones with their differences were forced to work together. One next to the other were fighting with all their might, punches and kicks were flying everywhere; they will give everything until they collapse, they will fight for their friends, for their family, for the ones they love... They will fight for the world.

    It lasted a month. Problems, fights, doubts, hardwork and determination were part of this month. They need science, technology, knowledge, history, magic, mystic answers and a twist in time... Don't worry, they didn't change the past, they were changing the future.

    "Gotta keep up that work Rogers, I think you are losing your magic" Iron man aka Tony Stark said while finishing his armor upgrades. What did you think? That he wasn't going to make a new armor better than the last one... Well wrong, he was finishing the last parts for the cointainer of Infinity power.

    "Well, Tony, you haven't finished yet" replied Captain America himself while preparing the plan of their last move, they have been doing this since the snap, being cautious of every little move and defeating every single trap left behind by Thanos.

    "I am prepared for this war, and his head will be my first target" Thor said, the god of thunder learned the last month that emotions during the war between heroes and villains were sometimes a problem to keep in mind.

     "Just don't let your emotions take over Thor" Steve replied to the words with a knowing look.

    "That's true man... I am just waiting to see Groot and that bunch of idiots to tell Quill why he shouldn't react being the dumb human he is, at least he should have acted" Rocket said rolling his eyes, deep inside he was excited to have his friends back, he missed them so much.

      "I understand the feeling. Gamora should have tell you she knew, she should have thought about backup" Nebula whispered annoyed, or more like gave a exasperated sigh in each separating mark.

     "Well" Tony said and clapped his hands "I finished with this. Who is ready to kick that big purple grape ass!" That earned a raised eyebrow from Bruce.

    "Tony, this is the most excited I have seen you since the snap... I haven't asked before, but did you lose someone when the snap happened?" Bruce asked and the silence that fell over the Avengers Compound was full of tense, those words echoed through the walls and returned to Tony in waves.

    Pepper decided to enter the room in that moment with Rhodey, Clint and Natasha trailing not far behind. "Guys, we are prepared" The blonde powerful woman said. Lets just say that she insisted on helping, when Tony said 'No', she threatened him saying she would do her own suit; Tony was afraid she wouldn't have a safe one, so he felt better if she used one made by himself.

     "Why the cementery silence?" Clint asked. He was in his suit, ready for the fight that was about to start, once they were on the jet and arrived to their destination, a complete black suit with different levels of intensity, some purple could be seen in some places of the suit, his kind of katana, lets call it that, was in the special for his arrows that Tony and Bruce had made, once they all convinced him to use them,  his bow was a little gadget in his hand. Tony's nanotech was very useful if he was asked about it.

     "Tony? What is with your face?" Pepper said then giggled a little and asked "Are you ok?"

     "Did someone ask about your death family?" Clint said to lighten the mood, but it didn't work because Tony's breath was now caught in his throat and Natasha gave him a death glare. Pepper rushed to Tony's side quickly, she promised him, when he asked, after the Civil War and again after the fight with Thanos,  she wouldn't let the others present see him in panic.

     When Pepper left to calm her fiance soon husband; when this fight finished and Thanos was completely defeated they were getting married, they chose June 1st, as the date for their marriage; the silence returned to the room.

    Natasha broke the silence that made the tension cover their surroundings. "Clint!" She hissed through gritted teeth.

    "But it wasn't my fault, I didn't ask the question that made him panic" Clint said, and then Natasha turned her death glare to the others. "We have worked very hard to gain the trust of one and other; who messed it?!"

    "The nerd there" Rocket said pointing to Bruce. Natasha turned to Bruce with a confused face.

    "Bruce? You were the one who almost made Tony have a panic attack?!" Natasha said

     "I just wanted to know..." Bruce said looking guilty

    "What did you want to know to put him like that? You are his science bro!" Rhodey said

    "I only asked who he has lost to be so excited to finish this" Bruce said shrugging

    "You didn't think it was because he wanted to save the world!" Clint exclaimed

    "Have you seen him all this month, he wasn't happy, he was sad and overworking, sometimes he couldn't hide the emotional conflict when working!" Bruce told him.

   "Stop! There is not time for this if Tony didn't tell is it was for a reason, I won't lose the small trust that I got, I want to gain more trust, no mess up more" Steve told everybody while crossing his arms over his chest.

    "We should listen to the Captain here, the best idea that we could made for the Avengers was having both Steve and Tony as leaders" Rhodey said

    The door was opened and Tony entered with Pepper behind, he was more relaxed and wasn't in the verge of a panic attack now.

    Tony stepped in front of everyone and Steve walked to his left side.


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