1 - best friends

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todoroki sat in his room- well, he and his girlfriend's room. he was alone of their king-sized bed, which he had bought, wrapped up in comfy blankets, which he had bought, reading some overdue book, which she had checked out. months ago. back when she was even around.

in this comfortable silence, todoroki reached out to his- well, he and his girlfriend's nightstand- and grabbed his glass of lemonade. he took a long sip and swallowed, eyes glued to his book. his arm then stretched back to the table and placed the cup down, then returned to grip the other end of the book.

you may be wondering, just what's up with.. well, this? what's wrong with todoroki sitting in a room reading a book whilst drinking a glass of lemonade? well, i'll tell you what.

momo yaoyorozu is what's up.

she's supposedly todoroki's girlfriend. but just how much more men could she belong to? heck, how much more women could she be chained with? that's what's got todoroki in a sticky situation.

he's been wondering why momo's always absent, always declining dates, always excusing herself from cuddles, always running errands, always getting home late, or how she's never home! it's got him driven insane, but he keeps it cool. although all signs are pointing to the obvious explanation: she's cheating!, todoroki refuses to believe it. "she wouldn't do that. not to me," todoroki whispered to himself, "at least i hope not."

the book that was once in his hands was now ashes; he had burned it in the blink of an eye. sighing, todoroki rose up from the lonely bed and wandered off into the kitchen, probably look for something to eat. but boy oh boy, when todoroki saw those knives.. those sharp, shiny, life-ending knives caught his attention. todoroki had in fact thought about self harm and even, at one point, suicide.

and whose fault was it?
momo yaoyorozu's fault.

his thoughts were interrupted by the familiar tune of his ringing phone. todoroki, without taking his sight off of the knives, slid his hand into the pocket of his sweatpants and took out his phone. his eyes landed on the called id immediately- "denki." he muttered, answering the call. "hello?"

"sahh dudeee," kaminari greeted, "what's up fam?"

todoroki nearly smiled at kaminari's stupidity. they had grown closer over the years after todoroki had gotten together with momo. at first he had thought kaminari only wanted to become friends with him because of momo. maybe he was trying to steal her away from him? he'd always seemed like a player. but that never happened. instead, kaminari and todoroki were only the bestest of friends- and nothing more.

"i'm fine, denki- but let me guess," todoroki replied, "you wanna come over and watch a horror movie, again."

kaminari chuckled, "because why not?!"

"alright," todoroki sighed, "get your ass over here. momo's out *yet* again!"

"that sucks dude, she's such a bitch. i don't know how anyone would hook up with you, shoto todoroki, then poof, disappear."

"it does suck. and when she finally comes home, she leaves immediately."

there was movement on the other line before kaminari's voice returned.

"tell you what dude- i'm gonna come over right now, and treat you like the fucking delight that you are. got it? i'm gonna treat you the way that yaoyorozu's supposed to- heck, maybe even better!"


"sorry katsuki! i was just leaving- anyways, like i was saying..."

then todoroki began laughing, finally some sort in his happiness was present within him. he mustered to smile for in a while. god, was he blessed to have kaminari around.

extremely blessed.

but just how did he end up with someone like momo?

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