15 - warmth

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after midoriya led todoroki into asui's room, todoroki was shocked. it was the neatest yet softest-looking room, but what caught his attention was a rather large cat napping on the bed, surrounded by blankets.

"that's... the cat?" todoroki asked in awe. midoriya noticed and giggled a bit, "yeah, his name is yato."

todoroki slowly approached the sleeping feline and watched it quietly. "yato.." he whispered, mainly to himself, but midoriya nodded just in case. todoroki's hand automatically wondered over to yato, feeling his fluffy back, then crawling up to his warm head. midoriya noticed how in trance todoroki was, and thought he'd suggest something he might like.

"you seem addicted to him, right, todoroki? wanna take him to my room..? we can watch a movie and—" midoriya begun to explain, but todoroki immediately turned around, still in trance, picked up both midoriya and the sleeping beauty gently and stepped out of asui's room.

!!!!!!!!, was all midoriya could muster, even in his head. all that had happened so quickly, he couldn't even breath. he felt his face burning more than hell itself, maybe even his freckles were invisible. midoriya looked up and noticed that todoroki was confused as to where his room was, so he pointed at a door covered in all might posters.

todoroki smiled awkwardly at the posters, but went into the room anyways. there was a single bed in the flood of textbooks, posters, figurines, plushes, etcetera. plopped on the bed was a green laptop, almost as if it had predicted the two boys would barge in there.

yato jumped off of todoroki's shoulder and sat on top of the laptop, purring peacefully. midoriya was going to do the same, but todoroki held him firmly as he sat himself on the bed.

"don't disturb the cat," todoroki said, "we don't have to watch anything."

midoriya nodded, now sitting criss-cross in front of todoroki, maybe a little too close. he nodded rapidly and reached for an— unsurprisingly— all might blanket. "it's a little chilly in my room," midoriya spoke, "that's why i have so many blankets and such."

"you can lay on me if you want." todoroki suggested, looking at midoriya right in his jade eyes. oh my goodness, it's like he likes watching me suffer, midoriya thought, but nodded anyhow. he let his chest fall onto todoroki's, then allowed his arms to wrap around him. instinctively, todoroki did the same.

they were still for a minute, the only noise filling the room was yato's purrs.

but before long, todoroki broke the silence.

"how do you know bakugou?" he asked flatly. midoriya was a puzzled at first, but then recalled that bakugou was at todoroki's apartment with them. he hadn't thought much about it, mainly because he was so worried about todoroki, and because bakugou was just yelling at him the entire time.

"oh, kacchan! i know him since were little kids, but he started hating me in high school. i guess we're still friends though..? we've been getting better." midoriya replied thoughtfully. he knew what todoroki was going to ask next. "why does he hate you? i don't see anything to hate." todoroki shot back, his tone reflecting an angrier side of him. midoriya sighed.

"eh.. it's a long story. but to sum it all up, i tried to talk to his 'crush' for him, but since that 'crush' is so social and loving, kacchan thought i was trying to steal him— them! them.. away from him." midoriya replied, almost slipping out something he was forbidden to say.

todoroki scoffed, then smiled softly and looked down at midoriya. "it's kirishima, isn't it?"

"how—" "they practically are married. only if you knew, midoriya, the small bit of personal space those two have for each other." todoroki rolled his eyes, leaving midoriya speechless.

"..that's great! ahah, perfect.." midoriya tried to smile, but a frown fell upon his face. todoroki noticed this, and so many questions fogged in his head.

"did you ever like bakugou, midoriya?"

the atmosphere was tense. not awkward, but tense. todoroki, however, was calm. he knew how to handle these situations. he knew.

"...sort of. when i found out who his crush was, though, i knew i couldn't compete. once kacchan realizes he wants something or someone, he won't give up until he has it." midoriya muttered, keeping his head hidden in todoroki's shirt. he wasn't jealous anymore, he knew that bakugou never felt the same, even when he had hoped he did. he knew kirishima obviously felt the same towards him, but that both needed to find the right time to confess. he gave up on that love a long time ago, he had moved on.

but then todoroki did something so unexpected.

"well," todoroki stated, "you have me now. and i won't let that happen again."

he then tugged midoriya closer into more of a hug, but nonetheless, left the poor freckled boy with a crimson blush. "t-thanks, todoroki.. i won't e-either.."

they both stayed like that for a while, until they drifted off to sleep, in each other's warmth.

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