7 - hanging out

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after the sudden proposal (of friendship- of course...), todoroki finished the last couple of minutes of his shift and headed with his new friends. it's kind of weird i trust these random people, todoroki thought, but there's just something about them. i dunno, they just seem so.. perfect. safe. trustworthy. is that weird?

i hope so.

they stepped out of the coffee shop, and for the first time, todoroki wasn't going to head home alone, shower, eat, sleep and repeat. he was going to go hang out with his new friends and forget all of the shit he's going through. just how blessed is he?

"alright," uraraka announced, "whaddaya wanna do, todoroki?" she smiled brightly— almost blinding poor todoroki— and waited for his answer. to be completely honest, todoroki never did anything. he would hang out with kaminari, kirishima, bakugou, mina and sero, but they were a wild bunch and always had something to do. and if they didn't, they'd just get in the car and see where the day would take them. these kids seem calmer though..

"i'm okay with whatever." todoroki grinned faintly, and uraraka nodded thoughtfully. they all stood there for a second before asui spoke up. "how about we go grab a bite? i know a place with cheap and tasty snow cones." uraraka and midoriya cheered as they jumped on their toes (which todoroki found extremely adorable), while iida nodded in agreement. then they all took a minute to turn to todoroki. "i love snow cones. and ice. cold. i like cold things."

"that's cool, if you know what i mean." uraraka giggled. asui bit her tongue before laughing along with her, and soon midoriya joined in. "gUYS, we should get going. we don't want the high schoolers to fill the place up at four." iida said, and so the group began walking down the street, and as todoroki assumed, to a car. but soon he realized they were just walking to the store itself. todoroki was curious.

"do you guys happen to have a car? just wondering.." he chimed in, and midoriya shook his head. "no, actually, we think it's healthier to walk to places rather than drive to them."

todoroki nodded in agreement, "i do the same thing." the others smiled at him as they continued their journey down the street, talking about simple things and 'interviewing' todoroki. "so todoroki~ do you happen to have a girlfriend?~" uraraka teased, giving him the most innocent look.

fuck. not this.

he kept his emotionless face untouched and nodded. hopefully she won't dig too much into it, he thought. he definitely didn't want to talk about this now, and definitely not to some new friends. it was just impossible. "oh," uraraka smiled calmly- took a quick glance at midoriya- and nodded, "well, obviously!"

just as the atmosphere began to grow awkward, they had thankfully reached the snow cone shop. iida opened the door for everyone, but as todoroki walked in, he noticed uraraka had pulled over midoriya to a corner. she was whispering to him with a sad look on her face.


todoroki turned around and faced asui, who was handing him a snow cone. "you zoned out a bit, here." she smiled as he took the blue snow cone. "thanks asui.." he muttered and began digging in almost immediately. i wonder what's up?

asui swallowed another bit of her snow cone before speaking up. "you're thinking about what's up with ochaco and izuku?" she said wii a serious tone. she knew what subjects to touch on and which to leave alone. ochaco..? izu- oh, uraraka and midoriya. they both took a seat a nearby booth and watched as iida ordered for uraraka and midoriya.

"how'd you know? do i show it?" todoroki asked, swallowing the shaved ice. asui put her spork back into her cup and shook her head. "no, i just am good at finding these things out- but if you'd like, i could explain."

explain what?, todoroki thought as he bit into the cold treat, but nodded to let asui know he was listening. she took a quick glance at their approaching pink cheeked and green haired friends and sighed. "i'll tell you tomorrow."


there'll be a tomorrow?

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