14 - peace at last

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once todoroki and midoriya got to the apartment, they noticed it was a bit empty. iida, however, was in the kitchen washing dishes, while the tv was lowly playing one of his favorite channels, discovery. midoriya smiled and subconsciously let go of todoroki's hand and hurried over to him.

"hey iida! how are you? where are ochako and tsu? is there any food prepared? need help with the dishes? what's playing on discovery?" midoriya babbled, leaving todoroki extremely shocked, how'd those words just roll out so casually? he thought, sighed and let a small smile fall onto his lips.

iida turned to face him with a stern grin and his hand waving in the air. "hello midoriya! i'm good, and you? ochako and tsuyu are out shopping— or as you may refer to it, a date. there is leftover katsudon, but you can also heat up ramen. i was actually just finishing the dishes. i'm currently watching an alien-related show."

todoroki's mouth silently dropped, before he burst out laughing. he had never laughed before. at least not genuinely, anyway. he was laughing so hard he couldn't breathe for a second, which scared him, but he then inhaled before continuing. he wasn't sure of what was happening, but soon midoriya and iida joined in and they became a wheezing mess.

"aha.. i had never done that before." todoroki confessed as he wiped a tear from his eye. midoriga and iida paused, still recovering, and looked him with a raised eyebrow. "what do you mean? have you never laughed, todoroki?" iida asked, returning his attention to the dishes. midoriya nodded as he opened the refrigerator to pull out three bowls of ramen. he placed them in the microwave and stood by it.

"no.. not like that at least." todoroki chuckled, sitting himself down at the— surprisingly— plain table. it was a slick grey color, with a white table top. the chairs were matching, too. the colors somehow calmed todoroki down. they feel so.. soft?

"well, you'll be laughing plenty here. ochako is hilarious, trust me." iida said, filling up three cups with lemonade, ice and placing a straw in each. he brought them over to the table and walked to the microwave.

they're so productive... usually, kirishima would be doing most of this. bakugou would cook. then the others would lie around. sero helped clean up sometimes, but that was it, todoroki noted. he realized how different the environment was here— he liked it. again, another smile grew on his lips.

"so todoroki," midoriya began as iida placed the bowls of ramen on the table, in front of their devourers, "tell us a bit more about yourself. we don't know much.. uh.. to begin with."

todoroki was nearly about to literally inhale the ramen before him. firstly, it smelled like heaven. secondly, it was heaven. how could he not?

"oh.. well, if i had to introduce myself," todoroki replied before stretching his hand out to midoriya, "i'm shoto todoroki."

midoriya was a bit flustered when he shook todoroki's hand, but recovered quickly. i can't do that here, he thought. "i-i'm izuku midoriya. you can call me deku, if you'd like."

iida smiled as he glanced at the two, deciding not to interfere with their bonding time. instead, he silently took his ramen and sat back in the living room, returning to his previous activity.

he knew that he'd be paying the consequences from uraraka if she found out he had third wheel-ed.

"to start.. i really like soba. noodles. ramen. spaghetti, you name it." todoroki shrugged, wrapping his spoon around the ramen and inching it towards his mouth. but for some reason, he could not take his eyes off of midoriya. he couldn't!

midoriya nodded happily and stuck his fork gently into the ramen, thinking. "hmm.. i'd say i love sandwiches, subs, burgers, stuff like that. ooh, with a iced tea. that's heaven.." he drooled as he chewed on his ramen, closing his eyes in pleasure.

(some of the parts in this chapter sound so weird.. s o r r y)

todoroki swallowed his ramen and looked around, thinking of what else to tell midoriya. he wasn't— and never will be— good at talking, or socializing in general. he tapped his fingers on table, fearing the atmosphere would grow awkward.

"you okay, todoroki?" midoriya asked, tilting his head a little. todoroki looked over at him, so cute.., and shook his head. "i'm fine."

"is... something bothering you?"

"no.. i'm just not good at talking.. at all."

midoriya sighed and giggled, relieved that there wasn't anything wrong with todoroki. "if that's the case, then let me ask the questions," midoriya said, "okay?"

todoroki looked at midoriya, captivating every little grain of him that he could. he's so.. i don't know... his laugh.. what.. he wondered, and soon found himself turning a little pink.

"y-yeah.. go ahead." todoroki mumbled, taking in a mouthful of ramen and swallowing it almost instantly. "hmm, so, do you like pets? or animals in general?"

todoroki thought about it for a bit and nodded, in fact, he did have a liking to a certain one. "i like cats," todoroki said flatly, "i really do, i can relate to them."

midoriya giggled a little, "so do i. tsuyu actually has one. i'm sure he's in her room.."

todoroki immediately swallowed the remains of his ramen and stood up, maybe a little too fast, bowed, and took his bowl to the drain. he came back and stood by midoriya instinctively, waiting for him to do something.

i want to see that cat!

"aha.. i guess you want to see him?"

todoroki nodded.

midoriya smiled— yet again— and took todoroki's hand and led him to tsuyu's room.

his hand.




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