13 - moving on

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"i remember something," todoroki spoke, leaving his friends shocked, "someone, at least."

"well, who is it?!" midoriya asked, concern gushing through his voice. todoroki was a little flustered from the passion midoriya was showing for this, but nevertheless, he focused on trying to recall what had happened yesterday.

"it was a girl, right?" todoroki asked. kirishima looked to bakugou, who nodded in response. midoriya gripped the rims of the bed. "her name was.. was.. kyouka jirou.. right?"

mina, kirishima and bakugou made awkward eye contact, which todoroki noticed, and felt mina swallow a lump in her throat. "we're not sure but—"

"she's denki's ex-girlfriend." bakugou interrupted kirishima, getting up from his chair and sitting at the foot of the bed, looking straight at todoroki. mina and kirishima looked down at either their hands, feet, or something to keep their attention off of this. midoriya seemed a little lost, but yet kept his attention on bakugou.

"they dated for a while until denki found out the bitch was cheating. he was pretty fucking sad, until he met you, at least."

todoroki felt his heart drop, and for the first time in a while, tears threatened to spill. why am i feeling like this?

"who was she cheating on him with?" midoriya suddenly asked, leaning on the rim of the bed eagerly. bakugou didn't even yell at him, he just spit it out.

"a girl."

momo? todoroki thought, no wait— yaoyorozu. i almost forgot, i hate her guts!


the door then opened to reveal kaminari and sero, who were struggling to keep all of their drinks and snacks in hand. they dropped them all on an empty chair and turned to face todoroki.

"suhh dude!!" sero smiled, shaking his hand against his own will. todoroki returned the shake— not the smile— and looked over at kaminari. oh fuck. what'll happen? what's he going to say? oh no, does he hate me? does sero know? is sero acting? am i fucked? no—

"yuhh todobroki!! how're ya feeling, dude??" kaminari grinned, also shaking his hand against his own will. he ruffled his hair and proceeded to throw snacks at everyone in the room, then chilled at his spot next to sero.

obviously, a matter like this one couldn't be discussed around denki kaminari and hanta sero, so the group decided to hang around until the tike came.

and, oh boy, did it come.

once the group had finally begun to say their goodbyes, midoriya stayed behind, mainly to talk to todoroki, but also, he had other questions. unanswered questions.

"bye ashido," todoroki smiled softly, turning to see midoriya beside him, "oh, are we leaving now, midoriya? i need to pick some things up."

midoriya looked up and watched a bandaged— weakened, todoroki shuffle around his room and gather who knows what in the most vulnerable state. it made him want to cry, he wasn't sure why, but it did.

he wanted to speak. he wanted to ask todoroki about what emotions he was feeling. what was going inside of his head? he wanted to know. not only that, but where had momo and jirou gone? what had happened to them?

and so, he spoke.

"hey todoroki," midoriya began, not waiting for the other teen to answer, "how are you feeling..? like, in general, about this... whole... thing..?"

todoroki placed a thing or two in his bag, then paused to look up at midoriya, who probably looked like a sweating mess. and he did, but todoroki wasn't the type to point stuff out like that.

"i'm okay, i guess. momo and i— at least me— were never really close. it was just a one week sort of thing. after that, we were falling off."

midoriya felt a little relieved to hear that. he had always imagined that todoroki and momo were the perfect, "match made in heaven," sort of couple, but he was clearly wrong.

"so.. her cheating on you is... expected?" midoriya asked cautiously, trying not to push too many buttons. i don't want to force him into telling me anything he doesn't want to.

todoroki had stopped moving around and paused, looking down at the floor, then up at the ceiling and letting out a groan.

oh no.. did i—

"yeah, possibly. after a while, that's what i expected, anyways." todoroki answered, his voice a bit calmer than before. more soothing. how'd that calm him?

todoroki finished placing more items in his bag before slumping it over his shoulder and facing midoriya. for that second— that split second, midoriya admired every inch of todoroki's rather pretty face. his left turquoise eye, followed by a not so pleasant (but fitting) scar. i'll have to ask him about it later, midoriya took note mentally. he quickly shifted to his grey eye, which seemed sadder than the other. then his mouth, something that looked softer than a cat itself. midoriya had a sudden urge to kiss it.

is that strange?

he was snapped out of his trance by todoroki's voice. "i want to move on from this though, and forget both yaoyorozu and jirou. i want to go home and spend time with you.. and the others. so, let's go, midoriya."

midoriya clasped his hand together and smiled, then nodded. "right!"

both males stepped out of the apartment door, todoroki not even bothering to lock it. in fact, he left the keys right on the doormat. it's not like he payed for it anyways.

and so he and midoriya began heading towards the apartment belonging to all of his friends. they were so deep in conversation that they didn't notice they were holding hands.


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