6 - everything is green

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green is just a color, right?

well, not for shoto todoroki it isn't.

the alarm clock began beeping. at first, todoroki thought it was just part of whatever dream he was having, but soon if got louder and louder. ah shit, today's a work day, he thought, facepalming himself with his pillow. grumbly, his head rose up and looked to the rest of the bed beside him— no one. hadn't momo finally come home last night? yeah, but she must've left early to get to work early so she
could leave early. doesn't make sense right? yeah, that's momo for you.

"ah, well," todoroki told himself as he climbed out of bed, "it doesn't matter now."

and like that, he did his every-work-day routine (the without momo version, of course) and headed out to the infamous coffee shop he works at.

the entire day had been regular, really. when todoroki started his first shift, momo was already on her first break. they didn't talk to each other, not even a simply wave. it's not like todoroki wanted to talk to her, but still, she had left so suddenly and had apparently decided not to explain herself.

again, the day was normal, until his last shift was nearing its end. it was 2:50, and usually he'd start cleaning up so his next coworker could take over. but a specific group of people caught his eye, and his body yelled at him to stay.

they were four people— a tall, blue-haired man with rectangular glasses. he was talking to the tinier, teal-haired girl in front of him, who had her tongue sticking out a bit. besides her was a girl a little bit taller, with brown hair and two bangs that formed a 'u' in front of her face. she was talking to the boy next to her— the one todoroki seemed attracted to.

what is this feeling?

he was just a bit taller as well, with seemingly fluffy, green hair, accompanied with same colored eyes and freckles under them. they were all standing just feet away from todoroki, probably looking at the menu like any other human. and they probably didn't think too much of todoroki either, they probably just considered him as another worker. they'll just come and go, calm down shoto.

after a minute or so, they were ready. the brown haired girl stepped up to the front. "ah, hi, may i have a.." and there, todoroki zoned out, but his hands knew what to do. he set their orders and went out to he back to make them. when he was finished, he brought the first two to the girls, then he brought the ones to the guys. "thank you so much!" said the green haired boy happily. he took his drink and looked up at todoroki, then back at the girls. "aren't you gonna ask him, deku?" asked the brown haired girl, sipping out of her drink.


the teal-haired girl nudged him a little, and the glasses one nodded. 'deku' looked up at me again. "hey, so do you.. umm.. wanna, i don't know, hang out with us..? you seem kind of-" "sad, kero."

todoroki felt a little offended, but then again, he felt happy and warm that they had noticed and even cared about his feelings. he didn't even notice the smile on his face. "sure, i'd be happy to."

the group looked around to one another and cheered, then all stuck out their hands to todoroki. "hello, i am tenya iida." said the blue-haired guy robotically. but todoroki didn't care, so he shook his hand gladly, "nice to meet you, iida." todoroki smiled, moving on to the teal-haired girl. he also shook her hand. "i'm tsuyu asui, but you can call me tsu, kero." she smiled, and todoroki did too. "it's a pleasure, but i'll stick with asui."

he turned to the brown haired girl, stuck out his hand, but she gave him a small hug. "i-i'm ochaco uraraka!! i'm beyond happy to meet you!" she giggled, a warm and welcoming grin on her face. todoroki was taken aback by the sudden burst of energy, but he chuckled too, and ruffled her hair. then he faced the last member of the group, the one that made todoroki's stomach flutter. kind of how momo used to make it feel.

"i'm izuku midoriya! thank you for accepting.. to... y'know..."


what a cute name.

i love it.

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