8 - cuddling

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todoroki was in the worker's lounge packing up his things. today, a friday, he was staying at the apartment belonging to midoriya and the others. they were outside waiting for him, apparently they'd have to walk a bit to get to the train station before it filled up. he was almost done until an arm slumped over his shoulder.

"shoto~" momo purred, "why are you in such a hurry?"

todoroki almost rolled his eyes, but no, he couldn't do that. at least not yet, that is. he finished packing his bag and headed to the backdoor, hand on he doorknob. "i'm heading out with some friends. have fun on your own." was all he replied as he set his foot out the door.

"todoroki!! there you are!!" uraraka squealed, which almost made todoroki smile. he had friends. new ones. ones he got along with. perfect friends.

they had been hanging out the entire week, but asui had not told todoroki about the 'truth.' that's because there was no time, they were always being interrupted, but she had decided that after everyone went to sleep tonight, she would explain to todoroki the whole ordeal.

"ready to get going?" iida asked, fixing his glasses. everyone nodded as they began making their two mile walk to the metro. it wasn't too long of a walk, mainly because uraraka always told silly stories and iida always gave them a life lesson, but it was just because todoroki was having fun.

but one thing he saw freaked him a little. it was that purple-haired girl, which he had assumed to be jirou, waiting on her motorcycle outside a shop. todoroki kept his eyes on her, and just before he began to turn away, he saw another woman leave the shop and hop on. that woman was momo.

don't think about it, damnit.

it'll all be over soon.

he shook his head a returned to the conversation; midoriya was talking about his favorite actor, which they referred to as all might.

(just think of this as "the rock" and dwayne johnson)

he seemed so hyper and cheery when talking about him, almost.. adorable? at the thought of that, todoroki felt his cheeks warm up a bit. this had only happened with momo, but that had been a long time ago. why was it happening now?

he had forgotten.

"oh todoroki— who's your favorite actor?" midoriya turned to him, his eyes full of adrenaline. i've never seen someone so excited before.. has he even met all might? todoroki thought, feeling tsu nod from beside him. his mind returned to the question, and after thinking about it, he realize he had no favorite. "i don't really like any specific actor." he replied, eyes glued onto midoriya's. midoriya nodded, still hyped, and begun to convince todoroki that all might was the best of the best.

man, he sure does talk a lot..

todoroki smiled, listening closely.

i like it.

the group had made it to the metro, which was pretty empty. the cool air conditioner immediately relaxed todoroki as it blew through his hair. being tall finally had a use.

they chose to sit in a booth, since it was the largest set of seats they could find. but then again, there were only four seats, but five people.

uraraka and asui sat next to one another, next to the wall. todoroki slid next to the window, and iida sat next to him. but now, where would midoriya go?

"ooh, deku, i think someone has to carry you~" uraraka smiled, taking a small glance at todoroki. midoriya blushed slightly and shook his head, "it's a-alright guys! i can just stand.."

"don't be ridiculous midoriya, we've walked quite a distance, your muscles must be aching. here, you can-"

"i'll carry you." todoroki suddenly spoke, and even he was a little taken aback. did i really just say that? he thought, mentally face palming. but his arms automatically moved his bag to the floor and waited for midoriya to settle down. "you sure, todoroki? midoriya may look light." asui giggled, but todoroki nodded almost instantly. "it's okay with me."

midoriya gulped as he walked in between the booth and sat on todoroki's lap. he was definitely on the verge of exploding. he was more than sure. "you comfortable, midoriya?" todoroki asked, gently turning midoriya's body so they were facing one another. "y-yeah.. although it is a bit cold.." midoriya muttered, a but embarrassed. todoroki had to admit, it was a little chilly, and midoriya was only wearing a simple t-shirt.

so he did the most logical thing, of course.

todoroki wrapped his arms around midoriya and hugged him closer. midoriya's head was resting on his shoulder, nuzzling automatically into the warmth. his legs tied around todoroki's waist, and he too hugged him closer.

and to avoid any teasing, midoriya closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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