10 - jirou

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todoroki didn't even question any further, that's all he needed to know. momo's a lying bitch? check! jirou's aware of what she's doing? check! kaminari is related to this whole bs? check!

now all he needed to do was confront momo herself. go to his apartment, most likely tomorrow, and tell her all of these things right to her face.

"that's all i need to know. thank you, asui. i appreciate you guys' concern."

asui nodded and patted his shoulder. "we'll always be here, todoroki, even is we just met."

todoroki nodded and returned a small 'thank you' smile. they looked back out at the stars before asui broke the silence. "what are you going to do about this situation?" she turned to him, with a serious expression, yet worried, and awaited his response.

i'm going to tell momo about this, todoroki thought, yes it's what i'll do. what i have to do.

but for some reason, he shrugged. he didn't tell asui the truth. he didn't feel like it.

they then headed back in and continued their night, until they were tired enough to fall on their beds and sleep right away.

except todoroki.

— the next day.

todoroki was walking back to his apartment, clearly distracted by all of the things circling around his head. not only did he find out his so-called-girlfriend was cheating on him, but she acted like it was nothing, like if every relationship she had and has meant nothing.


he finally reached the apartment building he knew so well and loved, but for some reason, there was no butterfly feeling in his stomach. it was just a building to him, and maybe this was the way it was for momo. just another building where another one of my lovers live!

todoroki sighed and walked through the lobby and into the elevator. he didn't bother to look at anyone or anything, but he was pretty sure someone was trying to get his attention, but he didn't realize it.

after stepping out of the elevator, he slowly made his way to the apartment door, but stopped upon hearing voices. very familiar voices. but he was no where near shocked.

at this point, he didn't even bother. he was going to walk into that room, break up with momo, take the only things he cared about in that room and leave. just leave. he didn't care if she was with someone else and trying to explain everything to him, he just wanted to be free of her.

without warning, he opened the door and walked in, revealing two women, one smaller than the other. she had dark purple hair with bangs up to her shoulders, and eyes that had unreadable emotions. they were just sad.

"oh! shoto! hi!" momo exclaimed, perhaps a little too happy. how could she be so happy? doesn't she- oh right.. todoroki thought, she doesn't care.

".. hey, yaoyorozu." was all todoroki said before stepping into the bedroom and looking for three specific things— his favorite blanket (which he planned to share with midoriya), a few of the books which he really enjoyed (and planned to share with midoriya), and a ring.

to be more specific, a wedding ring.

but that isn't important now. nor will it be. ever.

once he gathered all those things, he placed them inside his bag and headed outside. there, momo stopped him, examined him, and swallowed before taking a deep breath.

"i need to tell you something, todoroki." she breathed, her eyes pleading for him to stop and listen— something he didn't do very often. and so, he did.

"if it's that important," he sighed, "then tell me. i'm leaving now, and nothing will change that."

momo nodded and muttered, "i know," before returning to the other girl's side. "well.. todoroki.. this is what i have to tell you."

momo looked at the shorter girl and smiled softly. "this is kyouka. kyouka jirou."

todoroki knew it. it was jirou, this is her. this is her girlfriend. i knew it.

"she's my girlfriend."

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