2 - how'd we even fall in love?

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before kaminari showed up, todoroki began partaking in his favorite hobby: overthinking! just how did he and momo ever end fall in love? how'd they hook up? where did it all begin?

well, here's your answer.

it was actually todoroki himself. he and momo had began working at the same coffee shop, so they just hung out without noticing. through all of this hanging out, todoroki just fell in love with momo's fake side- the "loving," "sweet," "honest," "caring," side. but he had never met the real momo yaoyorozu. oh no, he hadn't.

when todoroki asked momo out, she acted super surprised and honored, as if a king had just crowned her his queen. surely, because of her reaction, she'd be a clingy girlfriend, right? wrong! after the first couple of weeks consisting of dates, cuddles and make-outs, momo began loosing herself away from todoroki. and he noticed.

when he'd set up a date, she'd say she had other plans. when they were together at malls, parks or just alone at home, she'd say she had to be somewhere and leave. and it hurt todoroki. it hurt him watch the girl he had fallen so deeply in love with just leave out the door, and return the next day, or maybe the day after that. it hurt him so much that he began hurting himself.

but the self harm didn't last long. todoroki couldn't keep hiding his cuts. he couldn't keep doing this, there was no point. either momo was committed or not.

todoroki planned to release himself from this excruciating pain, but whenever he tried to break up with momo, she'd always postpone it; "tell me tomorrow!" "i have to go!" "text me!"

and it made todoroki furious. depressed. emotional.

but then there was kaminari.

a knock was heard from the door, then a cheery voice followed. "fbi open up!" kaminari chuckled, causing todoroki to shake his head and throw all his thoughts about momo out the window. not today, satan, he thought as he walked towards the door and flung it open, revealing a struggling kaminari. he had bags upon bags resting around his waist, arms and one on his head.

kaminari looked to todoroki with a sly smile.
"hi welcome to chili's...?" todoroki cocked his head the side, as if asking kaminari if he was 'meme approved.' and apparently, he was, because kaminari almost fell over laughing.

"dude, your voice is so monotone that even the dankest of vines can't change it."

"heh, thanks? i never even get how you find them funny."

offended, kaminari huffed. "it's not just meee, it's also hanta! and mina! and the rest of the world!"

todoroki smiled. he liked the offended kaminari, even when he was jokingly faking it. "sure, sure, that's because you guys are rare beings on this planet," todoroki teased, "now, what are all these bags for?"

kaminari waltzed right into todoroki's apartment and headed straight for his room. he dropped the bags on the floor beside the bed and began unzipping them. "these bad boys? well, they're for our amazing three-day sleepover, that's what."

todoroki watched as kaminari opener bag after bag and pulled out something completely different- from a simply blanket, to the bee movie, to a picture of a guy on a sidewalk. "okay- now what the fuck is that?" todoroki asked, taking the picture from kaminari's grasp. kaminari turned to todoroki, holding his own hands above his waist, a small smile on his face.

"you know we had to do it to 'em."

kaminari fell backwards laughing hysterically, while todoroki just sat there, staring at the picture thoughtfully. kaminari noticed this and slumped over todoroki's shoulder. "it's a meme bro."

todoroki shrugged and placed the picture back in the bag, then climbing onto the pillow fort the two boys had just made. "whatever. just keep it away from me." he shivered, grabbing one of the larger blankets and stretching it out over himself. once kaminari had put in the 'horror' movie, todoroki signaled him to sit with him in the fort, and so he did. "what movie did you put? it better not be what i think it is." he warned, giving kaminari a look of disappointment as he watched the blonde's smile widen.


"no," todoroki held back his laughter, "tell me."

"i said guess."


"... the emoji movie."

yeehaw.. next chappy's prolly gonna be super triggering

not even my poor little heart can handle some of the shi im boutta pull wit this fic bruh


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