9 - the truth

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once the metro had reached its stop, the group got off and took a short walk to the apartment. todoroki was still holding midoriya, since he was lightly snoring, meaning he probably was asleep.

the walk was relaxing, the apartment was actually near the beach, so there was a cool breeze hitting them as they walked to it. once they got to the building, todoroki was amazed at how high it was. "it has seventy floors," iida gasped, "it can sometimes scare you a bit when you look down below."

they all entered an elevator, to which uraraka pressed the number '70' and the doors closed. "how long will it take to get to that floor?" todoroki asked, fixing midoriya a bit. iida looked up and fidgeted with his foot for a while, thinking. "about five minutes. these elevators aren't all too slow."

"but! we don't live on the seventieth floor, we live on the fiftieth," uraraka smiled tiredly, "we just wanted to show you something special!"

the elevator doors finally opened, and a regular apartment building hallway appeared. the group stepped out and took a turn opposite to the hallway, leaving todoroki confused. where are we going..?

iida began heading up a flight of stairs; he signaled the group to follow. it was a tad bit dark, but the stairs weren't too difficult to go up on. finally, a door was opened to reveal something bright,

the rooftop.

uraraka and asui both stepped out of the stairway and into the rooftop, admiring the stars above. you could see a ton of stars that weren't visible seventy floors down. not only that, but it was so peaceful and quiet, and the breeze hitting them was perfectly timed.

after a bit of silently admiring the view, asui finally pulled todoroki aside.

"todoroki, it's about time i tell you what's up." she said, and todoroki nodded. he placed midoriya gently down on a bench and returned to the teal haired girl. "the reason why we're bring you here— it's because of your girlfriend. or at least i think that's what she is."

todoroki gulped, he definitely wasn't ready for that one. he had had so much 'fun' these past couple of days, that he had just disintegrated momo out of his head. but here she was brought up again.

"does she have black hair, usually spiked up into a ponytail, and a pair of black eyes?"

asui nodded, "that's both good news and bad news."

todoroki turned out to see the view once again, letting the breeze cool him down. he was readying for what was about to come. "how so?" he questioned. i want to know what she knows. maybe she knows what kaminari knew.

maybe this is all related.

"s-she's cheating on you, todoroki. with another girl. i believe her name is jirou."


that's right, kaminari spoke of her.

"who is this jirou girl, anyways, asui? do you know her?" todoroki breathed, a little more excited now, not excited to tell momo all these things to her face, but excited to see how kaminari wound up in all of this.

"we used to go to high school together," asui began, "she was always a little off. i thought it was something private, so i never asked. but she always had a liking to girls. specially the ones that were already taken."

todoroki nodded. exactly what he thought, jirou most likely does know that momo's already in a relationship. what a bitch.

"but she dated this guy one time," asui turned her head to face todoroki. he did he same, "it was to get closer to his girlfriend."

now we're talking, todoroki thought.

"what was his name?"

asui sighed, "denki kaminari."

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