11 - weak

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todoroki knew it. he knew this was momo's girlfriend, he knew. he just needed those words of confirmation to come out of her mouth.

"so you were cheating on me?" todoroki sort of chuckled, fixing the backpack on his shoulder. momo was thrown a little aback by that, but nodded either way. jirou, on the other hand, looked like she wasn't expecting this whatsoever.

"hold on. he's your boyfriend?!" jirou scram, looking from momo to todoroki rapidly. momo flinched, but only nodded to the question, leaving jirou even more angry. "you were cheating on me?! and him?! and you never told a soul?!"

"... i-i'm sorry, but yes! yes i did!" momo whimpered, but todoroki stood emotionless. he saw it coming. he was going to leave, leave everything revolving momo and including momo, but before he could reach the doorway, he heard a loud thud.

and like any other person, he turned around ready to face whatever caused it. but what he saw was not pleasant.

momo was on the floor, a huge slap mark on her cheek, and jirou was rushing towards him. just as her hand made impact with his own face, he heard footsteps inching closer towards the room.

but as the door opened, his vision went black, but his ears could still barely hear.

"todoroki!!" "todoroki!!" was all he heard. but he couldn't recognize the voices. he eventually gave up trying to figure it out, and being as weak as he felt, he let his mind rest.

— todoroki's p.o.v:

my arms began moving around. so did my hands. i was grasping at some sort of bed. where was i? my legs then started kicking. where am i? am i even alive anymore? what even happened before this?

suddenly my mouth opened and started gasping for air. i guess i wasn't breathing before then. i was sweaty, but cold. i tried to open my eyes, tried to lift my hands up and rub my eyes, but i didn't work. it was as if i didn't have control over myself.

but what had happened? ...

oh right, yaoyorozu and jirou.

i remember now, i was just about to leave the apartment when i heard a thud. but didn't i escape after that? i'm pretty sure i did. then why— oh right, i didn't leave. i looker back to see what was happening.

and then i saw jirou.. she came towards me, and then i was blacked out. what did she do? i felt an aching pain on my face. is that what she did? my hand traveled to it. ow. that hurt. well, i guess that's what she did.

wait. i hear things. voices. they're calling my name. someone- or some people are calling me. and shaking me. what?

"todoroki, wake up!"

my eyes shot open. the first thing i saw was a pink girl shaking my arm. beside her was a red haired guy, they both looked like they saw jirou beat me herself.

but i also saw a white ceiling. it had arranged lights; the aroma in the room felt different. was this a hospital? was what jirou did that bad?

my attention returned to two new people beside me. an ash blonde guy and a black haired guy. i feel like i know them. or have known them.

but am i just too weak to remember?

"todoroki! say something!"

am i just too weak to respond?

"you bastard, look at me half n half!"

was i just to weak to protect myself?


am i just weak?

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