18 - embrace (ending 2)

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so um
i'm doing two endings uwu

todoroki looked down at the city below him, taking in the possible last seconds of his wasted life. he almost smiled at the sight, i'll finally free everyone from myself.

but before he could dive right into the deadly drop below him, todoroki heard his name escaping out of someone's mouth. in fact, that mouth had a very familiar voice.

slightly perturbed, the peppermint haired male turned around, and when his eyes landed on the figure standing before him, his heart almost shattered.

"to...todoroki—" midoriya huffed, looking up at the emotionless man. his usual bright, green eyes were now puffy and red, not to mention his voice was raspier. todoroki's eyes slightly widened at the image, but still maintained his focus on what was to come.

they were quiet as midoriya begged for air, and even though he was still having trouble breathing, he begun to question todoroki.

"what are you doing?! please, please todoroki, don't do it! everything's going to get better eventually!" the freckled boy insisted, and at one point in that day, todoroki thought that midoriya was more troubled by this and todoroki himself.

"i've decided, i will no longer be a burden to anyone. you don't have to worry about me any longer." todoroki replied, speaking the ending of the sentence lower than usual. was he doubting himself? i'm going to go through with this. i've made my choice..

have i?

"n-no! you aren't a burden, todoroki, no! don't make the worse of this situation, try to look at the positive. you have new and caring friends now, not to mention a bright future. yaoyorozu is gone now, and so is kaminari. you don't have to worry!" midoriya went on, his arm rising up to barely brush against todoroki's hand. tears started to clutter around his eyes, and then fall to the ground. thanks to the sunset, you could clearly see the transparent drops fall on the floor.

and they were all todoroki's fault.

you don't have to do this.

you can change.

learn from your mistakes.

make new friends.

fall in love again.

fix youself.

you can't give up now.

todoroki blinked before cringing at the sudden burst of sunlight that hit his eyes. he looked down at his hands, then at the buildings, trees, cars and such below him. he realized he was on a railing. he realized what would happen if he took another step. he realized what mistake he would be doing.

he needed to go back.

"midoriya.." todoroki whispered as he began turning his torso around, eyes immediately landing on the jade haired teen. midoriya looked up from the ground with foggy eyes and nodded.

"will.. will you help me out? help me become a better person?" todoroki managed to choke out, taking his left hand and putting over his face. midoriya's eyes lit up— and began to shed more tears— as he rushed towards the bi colored pair of eyes. he smiled a smile shinier than the sun, before reaching both of his hands out, ready tom embrace todoroki.

"o-of course! anything for you, todoroki!"

and with that, todoroki stepped off of the railing, recognizing a new purpose for himself, realizing that the past isn't meant to be forgotten but learned from. he finally opened up his eyes and noticed that he didn't need to look for someone to care for, because they had been under his nose this whole time:


without hesitation, todoroki took his arms and wrapped them around the shorter male, slightly picking him up and nearly twirling him around. todoroki would've cried into midoriya's shoulder if he wasn't already dry.

"thank you, midoriya. thank you for giving me a reason live. a reason to.. stay here. with you." todoroki said, finally letting go of the other teen's warmth and looking him in the eyes. to be honest, todoroki thought they were pretty distracting all on their own, but yet, he was so intrigued by them.

thank goodness i'll be seeing more of those in my future, he thought.

midoriya took a moment to take in todoroki's words properly before reacting. once he understood, his smile returned to his lips again, but more softly this time.

"it's okay, todoroki. you don't have to thank me. thank yourself for letting me find you, and know you, and love you and—" midoriya replied, but paused when he let a little too much go. it was silent for a bit, possibly a little awkward too, but todoroki didn't think so. instead, the taller boy grinned slightly before inching his lips towards the other boy's and colliding them into a kiss.

they were both like that for a second or so, but it felt like forever. it was as if the whole world around then had blacked out— even the stars, and it was just both of them, locked in that kiss for all eternity.

but obviously, dreams come to an end.

finally, when todoroki pulled away, both boys stared at one another, only two emotions visible at that moment: passion and realization.

"that.." midoriya muttered, "i l-liked that."

todoroki smiled softly before chuckling, "i like you— no, wait, i love you, midoriya. i do."

midoriya giggled back at todoroki before returning a small peck on his smooth lips.

"i love you too, todoroki."

next fic is a kiribaku one

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