12 - remember

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todoroki's p.o.v ~

i was somewhere comfortable. somewhere soft. somewhere i've been before. where was i? i don't know, but i can't open my eyes, hear anything, smell anything, i can only feel.

thank god i can't feel my emotions.

that'd be tragic.

i suddenly feel warm hands on my arms. are they hands? i'm not really sure, but they sure felt like them. and very familiar too, like i've felt them before. is that weird? remembering what someone's hands feel like?

then i heard voices. some were shouting, others were chit-chatting, and another pair were discussing something a little more seriously. yet somehow, i couldn't identify those voices.

and then i smelled that familiar perfume, the one that smells like watermelon and whipped cream, but sero had said it smelled like pickles and bleach. now who wore that?


no it couldn't be..


as if on cue, my hearing cleared, and i finally identified the voices. one was screaming at "deku," while another was trying to calm down the louder one.

bakugou and kirishima..?

then other two voices were definitely sero and kaminari, which i wasn't too excited about, knowing that sero had a huge crush on kaminari and kaminari probably told everyone about what i had done. yeah, no, i'm not getting up. five more minutes.

lastly, i recognized where i was. on ashido's lap. she always did this when one of us was feeling sick or worried, kind of like when kirishima confessed to bakugou and he went ghost for a while. my face relaxed, my breathing slowed and my eyes no longer were shut hard. i felt safe? shocker.

"wait, midoriya, how'd you even meet todoroki in the first place?" asked the only feminine voice in the room. there was a bit of shuffling before another voice reappeared. "oh- uh, it's sorta weird, but my friends and i wanted to help him out with a little something.. or someone." replied midoriya, tripping over his words a little. i almost flinched, but i had to make it seem like i was asleep. or knocked out. or whatever.

"ooh, is it who i-" "no mina, not now." sero interrupted, and i knew exactly why. because of kaminari. so he does know... about what i did...

"imma go to the vending machines. you guys want anything?" asked kaminari, with that specific tone in his voice. yup, i'm not getting up anytime soon. not now at least. hopefully not ever.

"i'll go with," sero replied, "c'mon."

i then heard —what i assumed to be the door— open, and both of their voices disappeared from any other conversations. they seemed to have forgotten about what midoriya was explaining, which i'm thankful for because that had made the atmosphere uncomfortable, but i was wrong.

this is mina ashido we're talking about.

she doesn't just forget.

and so, the topic came back around. "wait! midoriya," ashido chirped, "you still haven't told us about how you met todo!~"

one of the hands that was on my arms quickly trembled and left, taking its warmth, but i knew why. and i couldn't complain either.

"o-oh.. well i-it's.. like i was saying—"

but suddenly (more like conveniently), my body jolted up and my eyes shot open. out of nowhere. fuck.

"oH! todo!" ashido smiled, giving me the tightest yet best hug i had ever received. once she pulled away, she bombarded me with questions, but i just paid attention to the others.

"todoroki, man! you got pretty beat up back there," kirishima said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, "thanks to denki we made it in time to help out."

made it in time?

bakugou stepped towards me and stuck out his hand, waiting for me to shake it, i assumed. so i did, and he shook it back, then smirked slightly. "i never knew you'd get your ass beat by such a puny bitch."

get my ass beat?

"c-c'mon kacchan, don't say things like that..." midoriya muttered, looking down at his hands. bakugou only rolled his eyes and returned to his seat next to kirishima. ashido finally snapped out of her trance and turned to face me.

"...but do you remember anything, todo? like, what happened before you blacked out." she asked, almost as if i should know the answer immediately. but i didn't. what had happened?

"no. i don't remember anything."

midoriya looked up from his hands and faced me, with an extremely worried look, maybe even holding back some tears. what had happened been that bad? why don't have any scars? or feel any pain?

"not even.. oh, um, dark purple hair? a small girl? nothing?" kirishima asked, sounding concerned as well. why don't they just tell me what happened? "no, nothing."

"can you at least try to remember?" asked midoriya, cutting me off slightly. i leaned back into mina's lap and looked up at the unfamiliar roof, trying my 'best' to remember. i honestly couldn't care less at what had happened, because if it were that important, they would've told me already.

but then it hit.

kyouka jirou.

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