chapter four - Lynne

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I woke up, letting the sun rays that rested in my room appear gently. Silence was throughout the entire base, but as for me - the only thing I heard was the giggling of Bella in her room.

It made me smile, knowing she was getting better. Maybe realizing that she wasn't as...depressed as she used to be, though I knew it was a longshot to say something like that.

I sat up slowly, pulling some of my hair to the side of my shoulder and smiling as I looked around the tiny room.

It was so beautiful, and it made me think that we may have a chance to start over here. That this may be the place where our lives could change for the better.

I walked out of my room, passing by Bella as she exited. "Oh, Hi, Lynne!" She cheerfully sung, giggling lightly.

I smiled back, "Hey there, Belles. You sure seem happy today." I encouraged, and she nodded her head.

"I have my gi--best friend here and my sister. What else could I want?"

A smile coated my lips.

I couldn't agree more.


97 days.

97 days of brutality, of torture, of trying to remember who we were before the big bad event that turned us into the angry, closed off emotions that glazed over our eyes.

But I'd like to think of it as survival.

Laurel and Bella, oh - how cute they were as a couple. Luna was the one to break it to me the first time, but of course that caused anger to escape Bella's throat as she hissed to us how we needed to mind our own business and stay out of her life.

Mark and Luna's relationship was obvious, but very distant given Luna's engage in a more short-tempered, silent personality that lead her into the progression of who she was now.

However, it wasn't as strained as her relationship with Jinxx, which was getting more scary and more difficult as the days passed. We were worried one day one of them were going to crack and snap the other's neck in the midst of the night.

As for Lisa and I, we were barking at each other every other second that we had the chance to. I'm not even sure why we did half the time, but we did. And neither of us argued with our broken, non-consistent "friendship". If you could even call it that.

Rhys and I, we were close. Not nearly as close as I'd like to think we were, but we were close. She was my best friend apart from Luna, and she was the one who I cried to in the middle of the night when I had nightmares or the occasional night of silence.

With us we took in a pregnant mother, her son, and her father. They were in the middle of the streets when she didn't have the stability nor energy to walk anymore, after her cramps that made it so she was at a standstill, so Jinxx and Mark carried her back to our base.

It was kind of a 'we'll help you' carry but in reality the only reason they actually did it was because Luna and I were the ones to tell them to help. Other than that we wouldn't care less, not after what happened. We wouldn't trust anyone.

We took in a girl a bit after them. Her name's Madelyn Justice. She was left behind by her group after a herd cut through and she saved one of our own from being eaten so we had to let her stay.

We were brutal, we were angry, and our hearts were full of a kind of emotion I couldn't explain nor feed. It was as if we were going insane every day, as it passed. 

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