chapter thirty-six - Lynne

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"Stacy!" I screamed angrily as I ran into the base, blood still dried up on my shoulder that I knew I had to fix when I had the chance.

"Lynne, stop." Bella asked desperately as she clung onto my shirt, trying to hold me back only to be pushed aside.

"Stacy! You could've killed Bella! How could you fucking--?" I stopped dead in my tracks as I heard the scream of Laurel from the other room.

"LYNNE! LUNA! S-SOMETHING'S WRONG!" She cried in a muffled voice. I exchanged a look to Luna as I jumped to my feet, going into the dark room that I found Laurel in, on her knees as she clung onto Stacy's dress. Her chest wasn't heaving. Her eyes were closed. She wasn't moving.

There was blood running down her legs.


"Come on, Stacy, stay with me, love." I demanded as I held her and helped her on the bed, "we gotta save your baby."

"Blake, blankets! Madelyn, antibiotics! Now! Lisa and Mark, take the kids out of here! They're in their rooms until we tell them to get out!" Luna shouted orders, as I got on my knees and worked on cooling Stacy off before lifting up her dress.

"Does it look bad?" Luna asked me.

I stopped, "I'm not sure." I admitted, tracing my hand over her legs and looking down at the blood, "it's dry. She's been like this all day."

"The baby." Jinxx said, making me shake my head.

"I don't know," I replied, checking her lower body, despite me not being much of a doctor for stuff that was below the belt, "it doesn't look good." I breathed out.

"Is she in labor?" Luna asked as she grabbed a towel and placed it on her head, soaking up the sweat that rippled down her face.

"God, I hope not," I answered, "that baby would a month and a half early, wouldn't weigh more than a coat hanger."

"Well why the fuck is she bleeding then? Why the fuck is she dead?" Jinxx asked angrily.

"How the fuck would I know? I'm not a gynecologist! I only know what my mother taught me and what I learned in college. Give me some air!" I snapped, breathing, "and she's not dead. She's unconscious."

"You're supposed to be able to help her!" Jinxx replied.

"How about you fucking try then?" Luna asked angrily, standing up, "grab the medical tools and fucking save the girl's life, or shut up and let Lynne do what she needs to do."

Jinxx glared.

And that's when all Hell broke loose.

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