chapter twenty-nine - Luna

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I like to think that this world's always against you. You are born into this world, unprepared for what is going to come and oblivious to why it happens. And from a young age, you're told through cartoons on the TV and storied that life is all happy, with minor downs along the way to your happily ever after.

They never seemed to take into consideration that not all downs in life will be as easy to overcome as those of Cinderella or Belle or even the little engine that could.

They never seemed to take into consideration that some downs, feel like they'll last forever. Or that some people can't seem to be able to pick themselves up from downs and end up making permanent decisions.

And we, as kids, were all kept away from that kind of stuff. We're always told, "be nice and have a good day", or some bullshit like that. But once is it taken into consideration that maybe I won't have a good day because someone else's parent didn't tell their kid to be nice.

People go on saying, "That's life, life comes with no warnings." Well neither does death, but I'm sure if someone could, they would warn you about dying, but others think it's okay not to warn you that life has downs.

It seems as though, it's never taken into consideration that people are kind of selfish bringing in a creature into this cruel world for their own wants. A couple wants a baby, they bring it into this world to so what exactly? Grow up to experience how hard life is? To have to watch their life slowly crumble? To have to be slipping at the seams and be hanging on by a thread? It's a cycle, really.

Life is a strange and confusing thing. It can be hard and strenuous. It can be hard, but everybody had a saving grace; someone or something they can resort to feel some sort of positivity, even if it lasts a couple minutes. It brings you bliss and makes you feel love, it makes you think twice and makes you feel okay. It makes you want to live.

Sometimes this saving grace can't always do its job, but that's okay, there'll be rough patches, but they'll always be there to lean back on.


"This is where they're stationed." I speak, pointing to a spot on the map. It was the warehouse that James and his group had set up shop. Mark stood to my right and Lynne stood to my left.

"I say we attack at night." Mark says, pointing to a spot by the warehouse, covered in trees. I nod my head, glancing around the room.

"They won't see it coming. Madelyn's a good shot with the rifle, she can take out the guards up top while we move in." I say, looking to Madelyn, who nodded her head.

"We're gonna kill this son of a bitch."

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