chapter twenty-seven - Luna

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"You wanna tell me what's going on with you and Lynne?" I asked Lisa as we walked into an abandoned town, Mark on my otherside with his rifle in his hands.

I gripped my crossbow in my hands as we walked. Different buildings were broken down and one even collapsed as a whole. I glanced to Lisa and let out a sigh at her silence.

"Fine, if you won't talk about it then I will." I say, opening the door to one of the houses and knocked on the wall. "You two are being so childish." I say after a moment, waiting for any walkers to come to the sound.

We entered the house and split up to loot the place. Carefully, I walked up the stairs and came to see all the doors were closed. Walking up, I pressed my ear to one before opening the door.

It was the master bedroom and it was empty of walkers. Clothes were thrown around the place and an empty suitcase sat down on the bed.

It was like one of those scenarios that Mark and I had been making up every now and then about what happened to the people. Some that would leave me with nightmares and him telling me that it's just a dream.

Shaking my head, I went through the room, smiling as I picked up a pair of leather gloves that looked like they'd fit Mark or me. I put them in my backpack with the rest of my stuff.

Leaving the room, I went to the next and was joined by Lisa. I look to her and let out a sigh.

"I won't ask again." I say and she looks to me as I press my ear to the door before opening it. "What's going on with you and Lynne?" I asked, stopping once I took in the room that was in front of us.

It was a kids room, the walls painted a baby blue color and had calming pictures hung up. It was like nothing had touched the room. A crib sat against the wall, a little mobiel above is.

"Score." I muttered before sticking my head out of the room. "Mark! They had a baby! Look for formula and all that jazz!" I yelled and he yelled back an okay.

Turning back to the room, I went through the rest of the room with Lisa, getting toys and supplies that were left behind for when the baby is born.

"We broke it off." Lisa says after a bit as she looks down at the stuffed teddy bear in her hands. "We've been fighting and she hates me, but I still love her Luna." She says and I let out a sigh, looking to the girl that was beside me.

"You'll work it out. I know you will." I say, placing my hand on her shoulder, making her look to me. "Everything's going to work out."

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