chapter twenty-eight - Lynne

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I sat down with Bella, Laurel sitting next to us. With a smile, I pushed some of my hair out of my face and laughed as they begun to speak to each other. "No you're cuter."

"No, you're cuter, Bella." She said, tapping her on the nose. Bella let out a squeal of laughter, going to hug Laurel again.

"Mine." She said, resting her head on her shoulder. Laurel giggled and kissed her cheek, holding her just as tight.

"Mine as well." She said. I laughed and shook my head.

"You two really are the cutest couple in town, huh?" I asked, and Laurel nodded while Bella simply smiled.

"Is it weird to say that I love you, Laurel?" Bella asked. The smile on Laurel's face grew as she kissed her nose.

"I love you too." She said.

Silently, they stared at each other, just getting lost in each other's eyes. Strange, huh? My sister falling in love with her best friend before they're even teens.

"Never grow up." I asked as I looked between those two.

I watched as Laurel locked her fingers in Bella's hair, putting them into two thick braids over top of her shoulder. "Now I'm going to make you look like a princess." She said.

"Impossible. You two are already princesses." I said, making them giggle. I turned my head at the sound of Luna calling me from the other room, hands full of baby supplies and medical equipment.

"Lynne, come on," she called, and I stood up, bidding farewell to my two royalty members, who escaped the work of putting stuff away and cleaning out the closet by running to Bella's room.

She pointed to me and then to Lisa as Mark helped her with some of the materials, "you two, go inside that room and don't come out until you've made up." She demanded.

I stood still for a moment, not thinking she was serious for a few seconds. She acted as if it were the end of the world that Lisa and I weren't friends, like it was a big deal. "You two are acting like children and I don't feel like dealing with it, so hurry up and then come out to finish dinner when you've finished." She encouraged.

Rolling my eyes, I walked into the room and then sat down on the chair, sighing as Lisa followed me. "We don't need to talk, you know? We can just pretend that we talked. Luna can't tell."

Lisa shut the door behind her and sighed, leaning against it. "Fine, if you don't want to, but I don't see why we wouldn't." She said.

I silenced for a second. "Fine. What do you even want to talk about?"

"Well for starters you can tell me why you hate me." She pointed out, causing me to immediately get thrown back and tilt my head.

"Hate you? I don't. . . I don't hate you." I said.

"You act like you do." She replied, running a hand through her blond hair.

"Lisa, I don't...I thought that you hated me." I said back. She shook her head, her voice still quiet.

"I don't hate you. I . . . I can't hate you." There was silence for a minute and I shook my head, feeling my eyes begin to water out of my own anguish and exhaustion and fear. "Lynne, you're my best friend, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for anything and everything that I did to you."

I shook my head. "Lisa don't." I demanded.

"I should've been more understanding. I shouldn't have made you think that I hated you. Okay? I'm sorry...I don't want to hate you anymore. I don't want to not be friends anymore."

"Lisa..." I felt warm tears roll down my face as I put my head in my hands. "I don't want to hate you anymore."

"Then can we be friends? Please? I'm so done with being afraid of living like this. I'm so done with... not being with you. I just. . . I don't want us to grow up hating each other, not like Jinxx and Luna are." She asked.

"I don't deserve your forgiveness. I don't deserve anything that you can offer me." I said, making her smile and wipe some of my tears.

"Yes, you do. You deserve way too much than you think you do. You deserve the world, and I'm so sorry I couldn't give you that." She said.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry that I thought that breaking it off with you and ignoring you and hating you would help Bella when in reality all she needed was my promise that I'll make her feel better." I shook my head, "I'm so sorry for. . . leaving you. Maybe I was afraid...I dunno...Blake always said I never was good with making decisions."

"Lynne, you don't need to be sorry."

"I just want to know if we can try to start more than friends?" I asked softly. "I can keep Bella safe. . . but she'll learn to understand our relationship. I'll promise her that I'll always be there for her and...I'm so sorry, I'm so, so, sor--."

I was cut off as she slowly and softly kissed me, holding me tight as tears rolled down my face.

"'re fine at making decisions," she said as she pulled away, letting me stand in silence for a moment, "but you're terrible at speaking too much." 

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