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This separate book for my one-shots was suggested by JasmineB909

Hershel and Shawn Greene (1996)

Hershel watched as his eldest son, Shawn, played with the horses. Shawn's favorite horse, Felicity, had just died and Hershel was trying to think of a way to tell Shawn.

Shawn had gotten Felicity for his fifth birthday, two years ago. She was a brown horse, who was very very sweet. She got spooked easily, but that didn't stop Shawn each time he got kicked off.

Hershel chuckled to himself, and walked off. He grabbed his truck keys, and wallet from the porch. He walked back over to where Shawn was. "Shawn! I'm going into town to drop off the eggs at Mr. Rhee's store."

"Okay Dad! I'll stay here with the horses!" Shawn replied.

"Be careful." Hershel walked off to his truck, and Shawn watched him drive off.

Shawn was brushing the horse, when he saw in the distance a strange blue car coming in their driveway.

Shawn shrugged it off, and lead the horse inside the barn. He shut the door on his way out, and saw a man on the porch.

"Hey! Is your dad home?" The man hollered at Shawn. The man had black, graying hair, and he was slightly showing wrinkles.

"No, why?" Shawn asked when he got closer to the house.

"Oh, that's good." The man snickered. "I have some dogs I'm giving away at my house, if you wanna come and get one."

"I should wait until my dad gets home." Shawn felt uneasy.

"Oh, I already called him. He said it was just fine if you went with me. Plus, don't you want to see the puppies?" The man twirled his thumbs.

Shawn smiled, excited. He never had a dog before. He was sure his dad would let him get one, they lived on a farm! Shawn nodded his head, "Yes! I'll go with you. I want a puppy!"

"Alright, let's get in my car." The man bounded down the stairs, and went over to his car. Shawn thought for a minute, 'How did the man know we were here?' Then he realized, 'My dad must've told him. After all, the man said my dad said it was okay!'

The man held open the passenger side of the door, and watched as Shawn climbed in. He shut the door, and went over to the drivers side. He got in himself, then made a u turn in the driveway.

It was a fifteen minute drive until they got into the city. Shawn wondered if they would pass Mr. Rhee's store so Hershel could come with.

They passed the square, and Shawn sat up in his seat. "Can we go to Mr. Rhee's store so we can get my dad?" He asked the man.

"Well, your dad said he didn't want to interfere you picking out your puppy. He wanted you to do it by yourself since he knows you're such a big boy." The man told Shawn.

"What's your name?" Shawn asked, curious like a seven year old would be.

The man was hesitant. He thought for a minute before realizing his plans with the child wouldn't matter if he told his real name. "Andy. I live on a farm just like you. It's a dairy farm. It's called St. John's Dairy Farm." Andy wasn't really worried about telling the child his information. It wasn't like he'd get caught anyway. "What's your name?"

"Shawn Greene."

It was another thirty minutes until they left the town, and another fifteen until they made it to the Dairy Farm.

Andy pulled his truck into the drive, and parked. "We're here." Andy hopped out, and opened Shawn's door. Andy smiled, happy they had something good to eat, finally.

Hershel made it home, happy with his sales. They had made almost two hundred dollars worth of meat, eggs, and milk products.

Hershel didn't see Shawn outside anymore, so he went straight in. "Shawn! Girls! I'm making dinner!" He received a reply from all four of his girls but not one from his son.

He didn't think anything of it, until dinner hit around. He called and called for Shawn, until he finally made his oldest daughter get him from upstairs.

She was upstairs looking for Shawn for awhile before she came tumbling down the stairs, crying. "Shawn's gone!"

Two years later

"We may have found a break in the Greene case. A dairy farm was found in—" Hershel shut off the tv, holding one of Shawn's shirts.

They finally had a funeral for Shawn in their backyard a week ago. The cops received a call from a frantic woman who had escaped a man's car. He had captured, her and talked to her while in the car before she escaped.

She told cops his information, that he lived on St. John's Dairy Farm, and his name was Andy St. John. When the cops showed up at their house, there was a blood trail leading from a shed to the house. They called for backup, raided the place and found skeletons and bodies stripped of meat in the shed. They arrested all residents, and put them in jail for life.

The cops found a smaller skeleton in the shed, and later identified it as Shawn Greene, aged seven. The St. John's had kidnapped him and ate him.


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