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Ben Paul (2012)

I looked at my stupid trumpet. It was all dinged and ugly looking, and it was broken again. I was beginning to become tired of constantly having to have my coach fix my instrument for me. It was really a hassle.

I was not ready for the half time show, mainly because of my broken trumpet, so I decided I would fake play to stop the whole band from sounding bad.

Like normal, we marched out onto the field, and we all got into our spots. In about ten minutes, we finished our show and marched back off the field.

I found Coach Parker and sighed. "It's broken again, Coach." I held out the silver trumpet.

"Again? Jesus Ben, what have you been doing to the poor thing." Coach chuckled.

I chuckled along with him and watched as he pulled a few little tools out of his bag he carries and about five minutes later he handed it back to me. "If It doesn't work, come back to me and we'll send it in to Palen." Coach told me.

"Okay." I smiled and walked off behind the band bleachers. I set my trumpet down, and headed back over to the snack stand. I messed around with friends for a bit before sitting down to eat a hot dog.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, and pulled it out of my jacket. I looked at the tiny screen. I had to work a whole year just to be able to pay for this phone, the iPhone 5.

The screen was lit up with the words


on the screen. I answered.


"'s your sister."

"What? What about her?"

"She's—come to the hospital immediately."

"Mom! What's wrong?! Tell me now!"

I heard the click, and angrily turned off my phone. "I have to go." I said to Travis.

"What's wrong?"

"I dunno. Mom wouldn't tell me. It has something to do with Bethany. Tell Coach where I am so he knows!" I yelled while jogging off.

A million thoughts raced through my mind. What could've happened to Bethy? I eventually made it to the parking lot, I fumbled with my keys until I saw my car light up. I hurried and started it, then pulled away fast.

I finally made it to the hospital after awhile, and rushed into the waiting room. I ran up to the front desk, and looked at the man. "Where is Bethany Paul?" I frantically asked him.

"Uhh, ICU. You'll have to wait in the waiting room. She's being operated on right now." He informed me.

Tears welled up in my eyes. What the hell, Bethy? What happened? I whimpered, and turned around.

"She your girlfriend?"

"No, little sister." I felt the warmth of a few tears roll down my cheeks. I couldn't hold the rest in, I put my arms on the counter and leaned my head down. I tried to muffle my whimpers, but it was no use. I watched as some of the tears made dark spots on my jacket, and some fall to the floor.

When I was done, I jogged over to the elevator and clicked level three. It took like two awkward minutes before I finally made it to the floor.

I saw my parents sitting in two chairs, crying together. I ran over to them and sat in front of them. "Mom, Dad, please tell me what happened."

"She tried to hang herself, Ben." My mother cried out. I could see the pain in her eyes. "She's in that door." Mom pointed to the closest one on the right.

I looked at it, and felt a longing to go in there and be with Bethy. 'Please God, don't let Bethany die. I don't know what I'll do without her. Please God, please.' I prayed to myself.

I got up, and walked over to the blue door. The room and door had no windows, so I couldn't see in. I put my hand to the door, and felt and warmth where I was touching. I could feel her, I could feel her inside the room.

Bethy and I have always been so close. We rarely ever fight. Our parents say we should've been twins. We have 'twin powers'. We can finish each other's sentences and at that moment I just felt her.

I bowed my head and touched it to the door. "Bethy, please hang on. Please, do it for me. Do it for mom and dad. I don't know what I'll do if I lose you. 15 is such a young age to die at. Fight, Bethany, fight. Fight for your life even though you tried to take it. I love you." I whispered, hoping she could hear me.

I went back over to the chairs and sat down. I stared at the door a whole three hours just waiting for her to walk through it. When it opened, I saw a doctor with blood all over his uniform.

He took his hat and mask off and walked over to us after shutting the door. "Is Bethy okay?" Mom stood up quickly as soon as she saw the doctor.

"We're very sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Paul. We did every thing we could."

The words stuck in my brain. The warmth I felt was her getting ready to leave her body. She was saying her last goodbye to me. I couldn't believe it. She was actually gone. Bethany left me.

I heard the screaming of my mother and the sobbing of my father. I looked at the doctor. "But we got her down! She was breathing!"
My mother yelled at him.

"You did get her down on time. Bethany did everything. She took pills, cut her wrists, and hung herself. She just bled out. We had the pills pumped out, we just could not get the bleeding to stop enough to stitch her up."

Mom pulled out a bloody paper. She looked down at it, then back at me. "It says in here that she was getting bullied at school..."
Mom looked at me and glared. "It's your fault! You were supposed to protect her from the kids at school!!" Mom screamed at me, her voice raspy and full of hate.

Tears welled at my eyes. It was my fault. I should've been paying more attention to her at school. She should've said something to me. To anyone. And now the kids at our school bullied her enough to drive her to commit suicide.


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