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Marlon (2017)

My seventeenth birthday was the best birthday I'd had since Mom died. I took me and my little sister, Maeve, to the lake and we had a picnic. My father actually gave me a birthday present, a watch. It was an heirloom and he was going to give it to me for my eighteenth birthday, but he said he might be in jail by that time which wouldn't be surprising.

Our father has been very abusive since Mom died. Being honest, I don't even remember how Mom died. I was eight, and Maeve was one.

I closed my locker, face to face with Sloane and Cameron.

"So are you gonna go or not?" Cameron asked me for the millionth time.

"Marlon, please? I really wanna hang out with you, we never get to because you're always worried about Maeve." Sloane grabbed onto my arm and begged me.

Ferris (do you guys get the references?) pulled Sloane off of me and kissed her. "Hey baby." He said in a "cool dude" accent.

"Ferris, please convince him to go to Duck's party tonight." Cameron told Ferris.

"Guys, if he doesn't want to go he doesn't have to. But all I'm saying is Jeanie mentioned to me she's going and she hopes to see you." Ferris pulled his sunglasses off of his face and looked at me. "She really likes you, Marlon. Normally I wouldn't want anyone to date my other half, but I consent to you two. You'd look cute."

"Well if Jeanie's going then I'm going." My heart fluttered in my chest when I considered the idea of Jeanie actually liking me.

"We're gonna have an awesome time!" Sloane hugged me. Sloane and I have been best friends since Kindergarten, when she started dating Ferris she introduced me to him and his best friend and after that we all sort of clicked. Jeanie is Ferris' older twin sister who I have liked since sophomore year. She's a senior, but that doesn't really matter because she likes me back!

"Meet us at my house at six." Sloane told me as I walked away for the end of the school day.

I went home as normal and waited for Maeve to get home. Once she arrived, I texted her normal babysitter and asked if she was free. I got a reply almost seconds later saying she was free.

When it was six o'clock, I left for the party once Maeve's babysitter arrived.

"Marlon you came!" Sloane exclaimed. I hugged her and smiled at my other two friends. Sloane handed me a cup. I knew it had beer in it.

After the liquid was gone in this cup, I poured some more, and repeated these steps until I was tipsy. I decided I had enough so I poured water instead of beer.

I caught sight of Jeanie at the counter.

"Hey Jeanie."

"Hey Gabe." She smiled. Her cheeks were rosy red.

"Wanna go hang out on the porch?"

"Sure." She giggled. We went to the front porch, there were couples kissing and some were even having sex on the front lawn.

"Everyone is so horny..." I chuckled.

"Yeah..." she tucked her hair behind her ear. I looked at her beautiful face. Her cute nose and perfect lips. I wanted to kiss them so badly. "Why are you staring at me?" She chuckled.

"Because I can't get over how beautiful you are."

I locked my pinkie with hers and looked into her eyes. God she's so perfect...

"Marlon, I really like you."

"Jeanie, I love you."

"Marlon...I- I love you too." She smiled at me.

I placed my hand on her cheek and leaned in. Our lips connected, something told me this was it. I'd found my love.

Jeanie and I decided to leave the party and go on a little drive around the town. We went to Denny's and had breakfast for dinner then we went to the park.

When it was around nine, I decided I'd better go home for Maeve.

I dropped Jeanie back off at the party so she could get her car, then I went home.

As I was entering the street, I saw the flash of police lights, and an ambulance. I jogged into my front yard and looked around. There was cop questioning my dad and a stretcher with a white sheet over it.

Where's Maeve?

The cop turned around and I saw dad pointing a finger at me. The cop came over to me and grabbed my arms.

"Where have you been?" He asked me.

"I was at a party, why? Where's my sister?"

Dad was obviously fake crying, and he was holding Maeve's teddy bear. It had blood all over it.

"You're under arrest for the murder of Maeve Walker. You have the right to remain silent—" I ignored the cop as I was put into the cop car.


I mechanically answered the detective's questions. I couldn't believe my dad framed me. They said I stabbed her 27 times after she "wouldn't comply to my rules". I know what really happened. Maeve was doing something dad didn't like, and, letting the liquor get the best of him, he got fed up and couldn't control his anger.

I wished he would've been a man and owned up to what he did instead of ruining my life and framing me. My only question is, how did he do it?


"You are hereby sentenced to life in prison without parole." I looked down at my bright orange legs. I felt the guard push me towards the door.

"Maeve, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry dad did this to you. I love you. At least you don't have to live with him anymore..."


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