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Christa and Omid (2006)

I want the best for our little girl. Omid and I hope we can give her the best life possible. I placed a hand on my growing belly, looking at the white crib in front of me. We had just found out the gender of Molly last week. It was pretty early, being only three months. I'm already showing, maybe because I've always been like a twig.

I smiled at the teddy bear in the crib. It was Omid's when he was a younger boy. The only thing that could be recovered from the fire that killed his parents and older sister.

Omid and I weren't done traveling when we found out I'm pregnant. We came home to have a shotgun wedding. We bought a pretty white dress, and tux, invited our friends and family over one day, and got married.

It was definitely better than having an actual wedding. It was fun, and especially great since we had Molly with us in my womb. Instead of having alcohol that night, Omid and I shared a bottle of sparkling grape juice.

I walked out of the room, and I went into the kitchen to grab some marshmallows as Omid requested. We are having a campfire, with our friends Kate and Mitchell.

Kate is about to travel to Baltimore for about a month. Kate loves to travel just like us. She's a really nice girl, but I wish she could see that Mitch likes her.

We met Kate when she was eighteen, one year ago. Mitch is only three years older than her. He's always had such bad luck with relationships.

We had a lot laughs, then it was time to drop Kate off at the airport. I looked over at Mitch when we were waving off Kate, his eyes teary. I hugged him close, feeling bad for him.

"It's okay. She'll be back soon, and you'll finally have a chance with her." I smiled at him.

"I'll never have a chance, Christa. You and Omid are so happy, that'll never be me." Mitch whined. I sighed, and hugged him even tighter. He's one of those guys.

Kate's flight took off half an hour later, so we dropped off Mitch at his moms house (where he lives).

The end of the month came, with Kate calling every day to tell me how it is. She had met a man, but didn't want to tell me about him in case it didn't work out.

I got a phone call from her, so of course I answered it. It was devastating to learn she was never coming back. She's staying because her and "David" are becoming more serious. She's meeting his family this week, she said he wasn't staying at home right now.

I woke up one morning around six months later, and placed my hand on my stomach. The baby had started kicking last month. She's always kicked in the morning, afternoon, and evening. This was the first morning I didn't feel her.

I sat up in bed, smiling, waiting for her to kick. I sat up for around two hours, caught up in reading my book. I finished a tenth chapter, when I realized she hadn't kicked yet.

I frantically woke up Omid, crying. "I can't feel
her, I can't feel Molly."

We both dressed, and rushed to the hospital. I never felt her kick through all of that time. I didn't want to believe something could be wrong with Molly. We had come all this way, eight months. Nothing could be wrong with her. No, not now. Not after all this time.

They had to break my water, and I went into labor. I felt like it was pointless. Couldn't they have just done a c section?

When she finally came out, there was no cry. Omid had been Sure she would be okay. But the mother inside me, that would come out later than I anticipated, knew she was dead.

A few hours passed, Omid was taking this worse than I was. We hadn't talked to each other since before we came here.

I looked at my phone sitting on the end table. I pulled myself up into a sitting position, and looked at the empty chairs. Omid was back at "home", I knew him better than anyone. He was obviously at the bar.

I was about to call Kate, when I saw the small tiny box screen on my flip phone light up with her name. I answered it, getting ready to tell her the news. She spoke first.

"Guess what, Christa!!" She shrieked.

"Kate I—"

"I mean, I don't really want to be a step mother, but David asked me to marry him. I told him I'd think it over, but I know my answer. Yes. I know we've only been dating for seven months, but I don't care. He's a nice and loving person, and he likes to travel. He said he hasn't done it in a while, but told me we will soon. Christa—"

"Kate, I lost the baby."

"What?" I heard her gasp for air. "H-how can, how can this be p-possible? I—I'm so sorry."

I hung up on her.

I stared down at my hands until I saw the door open. It was Omid.

"I want a divorce."


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