Her name is Dawn

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Hey y'all!! How y'all doin'!

I know I know its been a while howeverrrr I am back for another story!!
*studio audience laugh plays*

Yes yes thank you guys

And you know what? I noticed that there are soooo many stories where we make these female rival characters for example- the slutty dumb blonde and its like yeah those people exist but no one is really like that ya know?

I OBVI was a victim to making this trope but that ends today. The jeans are ironed. I think we do those things bc it makes our leads more desirable, its easy to hate a dumb blonde slut character. She's just a filler to make our heroine look better. I want to challenge myself to make more complex characters that aren't just the main roles

And then I thought of this story!

Sooo enjoy y'all, mamas back

I HAD big hopes about what an American school would be like. Or any kind of public school for that matter, in my entire 17 years of life I had never gone to a school once.

Ma' says still to this day that the school system is a rigged lottery to set kids who can't afford the good stuff up for failure, the woman is a solidified anarchist and she wasn't tight lipped about it either. Which often put papa and I in a lot of trouble- but we love her anyway

No I can never say that Ive had a formal education from a teacher in a classroom

But I know alot from my years of traveling the world on my parents back, gliding continent to continent. Picnicking in French Polynesia, to dancing in Brazils yearly carnival- I can definitely say I have experienced it all..except on the rare occasion when I had a television.

May it be at a friend of Ma' and Papa's or at Grand-mommies, the TV would show me the wonders of school life. Best friends, rushing to class, doing homework...it felt other worldly to see. And I had been to almost every country the earth had to offer, becoming fluent in all of the dialects I've encountered. Building relationships with the history but yet the world of public schooling was what I had longed for.

Most importantly, the little Cancer within me strived for that high school romance with the stereotypical golden boy of the school was a luxurious thought. I had to have a life like this.

"Your cheeks are going to burn right off your face Dawn" Ma' huffs shaking off her seat belt but I ignore her, I was too busy gazing upon the house I could only imagine on the TV. A large double story victorian manor with burgundy shutters.

"I can't stop smiling it's like a dream come true ma'!" I jump out of the car quickly pacing to the front of the home, I stumbled back as two movers bustled and muffles "scues me"  trying to lift furniture into the home.

"Sunset Drive.." the street sign says clearly. It's perfect, moving to this quaint beach town of Delaware Beach was the best idea Papa has ever decided. And hell yes I am biased.

I turned back to papa who was smiling as brightly as I was
Papa was literally a giant. A Hawaiian Native with a strong voice and a sense of awareness that scared me sometimes, Papa was your very own oversized teddy bear with a beard and eternal scar over his brow from a surfing accident years before I was even conceived. A peaceful lug that Ma' adored.

"You like it ka meli (honey)? I had to uh, tune into a couple of House Hunters episodes to get an idea of what might suit us all."

"Duh! I love it!" I squealed high and laughed as Papa pulled ma' into a side hug but her face stayed bitter with arms crossed. I only roll my eyes at her attitude, of all the places shes been she isn't close to ready to slow down at all and its testing my patience.

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