Dying star

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I really did think about killing someone important but I couldn't do that to y'all 😂

The pistol was now aimed directly at the decrepit creature. I'd had this moment in my mind for a very long time..shit, killing my father was a dream of mine I would have loved to indulge in ages ago

Watching the brass bullet pierce his throat..standing over him. Watching, as he chokes and gargles on his blood. Heavily breathing, begging me for mercy.

It was something I desperately wanted

And I wanted to do it myself

But I put those thoughts to the side. He disappeared and our family left him in the muck he belonged in.

The man scoffs

"I know what you're thinking. Of course, you have my eyes. Aleksi has Mashas blue eyes. Sometime I think that what make him weaker. But the black in your eyes son.." Viktor takes a step forward that forces my own steps to backtrack

Quickly I cock the gun and shoot mid air then quickly call Aleksei "Stand down, it was a warning shot" han up and proceed to aim it back at his fucking head.

Viktor covers his head trembling at the noise "After all I have done for you! I doted on you most Jacobe! You should be thankful that I brought you up like this!"

My mind quickly flashes back to my days in Willowbrook. Our roach infested and mice filled abode was anything but a home. We couldn't leave Ekaterina unsupervised for a second in fear of her getting hurt by the vermin.

This so called "father" beat on Masha every chance he got when Aleksi and I weren't around to stop his bullshit

It's really so funny..I almost laugh

Thankful? He wants me to be thankful..for making me live a life a child should never live. Forcing me to murder. To trade in my humanity. That is what he wants me to kiss his ass for?

The sweat on my hands has the gun slipping out of grip

Was it true? That all of his abuse..the neglect..It was all his "fatherly" efforts to ensure that I was the rightful heir in our family. A family without power, but a family who needed a power source within themselves. Was this bastard trying to say that it is me?

"Aleksi could never do what you do Jacobe.." His hands were raised and he starts moving closer.

"DON'T" I yell forcing him to stop but his mouth keeps blabbering on

"That's why I was always harder on you moy syn (my son).. Hearing his acknowledgement made my blood run cold. I shiver and choke back on a heavy lump in my throat.

It wasn't the book smart leader following Aleksi but I the outcast. The son that Masha cries for. The one who has to lie to the little girl about what he actually does for money. The black sheep scoundrel.

It was me

The next King

And there was no room to coddle a future King

"Bullshit." My voices shakes slightly "It's bullshit, you're just a sick bastard that likes control"

Viktor does nothing else but smile

"Maybe..but I know offspring. I know you. You have the same look in eyes. I am like you. You are me. You think you can protect girl forever? You think just keeping her under thumb will make her safe? You're a fool." I was getting heated. The thought of Dawn getting hurt because of me was already a flesh wond and he was digging his knife into the bone

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