Back Like I Never Left

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Yall are going to be so mad at me😂But it is necessary for plot

     When I begged my mother to allow me public schooling, in a small dainty town where nothing macabre wouldn't dare take place. I never imagined the sinister secrets I would be exposed to. Fall prey to a love that would cause me to sacrifice possibly everything my parents had raised me to be.

How did I get here?

Not to this basement where I am currently hog tied at on this molded rotten floor, but in the situation where my life is being threatened?

I can't scream, whoever snatched me away properly bound my lips tight with a's been a couple of hours since I've woken up and yet no one has come down to say anything to me. What are they waiting for?

I thought I was ready, that I was prepared for everything with all of my tied together experiences but all in all if you would have told me that this is how my life would be right now, I would have just continued my abroad education.

"mhphmm.." I'm only able to mumble through the gag, I didn't manage to see my kidnapper. Only the last subtle reach from Phoebe as she tried to stick her hand out for me. But the impact was too great on us both. Phoebe, my dear friend, please be alright.

Mama, me

Jacobe..anyone please..

God..spare me

I shut my eyes tightly to hold back the tears, further grasping the reality of the situation at hand. Then an agonizing screetching pierces my ears, the sound of the basement door opening. Along with that screetch is followed by polite whistling of the happiest tune and jingling keys. Something that left me absolutely perplexed. I was kidnapped by gangsters, some of the most heinous criminals. They left me near death with my entire being tied and gagged yet this person is..whistling?

It was dark so making out this persons face was not as easy to decipher.

But he was tall. Scarily tall..and the closer the form came towards me the faster the beat in my chest pulsed. I tried to scoot myself away the more it came close. But then the form stops in the middle of the room, and its arm raises, and gently pulls down to illuminate the disgusting area. And when I see his face, I am too overwhelmed to hold back my tears. I did not know this man. I've never fucking seen him in my life nor have I had any direct contact with him.

I wasn't crying because I was afraid. I am scared, shitless even.

But I can't help but let my sadness roll seeing the beautiful man standing in front of me with a luxurious smile.

The menace had coal black hair that was thick and pushed out of his face to reveal ethereal aquamarine eyes and plump limps sat dazzlingly on that pale yet chiseled face...he was straight out of someones wet dream

I had been wickedly charmed by a beautiful man. A man whose flaws I chose to ignore because of his startling angelic features. And here was another, his looks again deceived his actions and it makes me wonder are all gorgeous guy fucking psychopathic killers???

The man chuckles seeing me cry

"Do you know who I am baby doll?"

slowly I shake my head a my crying intensifies and I shake, the man comes over. Coiling my hair tightly around his hands and pulls the strands angrily to the point of me crying out louder than my muffled lips ever allowed within my time down here.

"Your boyfriend likes to think he is a tough guy. Kicking his father from his life, fighting at the Barn and going to jail for murder. But there is oneee person that little Jakie is afraid of. And that person is me." My head is released without remorse and the bastard begins to untie the gag, once released I cough and wheeze, trying to get back to air I once lacked.

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