Cut the Wings, keep the girl

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*sips tea with bff*

"Bad boy" I say with a smug smile and bff nods approvingly

"Make him badder"

*magically has laptop out*


"SHOULD I wear a turtle neck orrrr my favorite scarf?" Phoebe asked on speaker phone while I too got dressed for the impending school day.

I don't know why people complained so much- public school was exciting and fresh. I loved going and being there with Phoebe.

Meeting others and learning exact history instead of just picking it up from some guru handing out post cards. Yeah the early mornings and the homework constantly were a bit draining but I haven't had a bad day of school yet. And for going three weeks without the typical drama I saw on tv, that was a blessing.

Of course there were not so nice people like Natasha Duff. The girl had been a passive pain in my side with her obvious disregard for me or Drew flirting with me as Phoebe stated. She and her cronies didn't even have a real reason not to like me. Whenever I was with Phoebe she would come over nonchalantly and start talking to the girl as if I wasn't even there! And it pissed me off! Phoebe would try defending me but Natasha didnt care at all to acknowledge me

As if I were dirt. The girl was lucky I wasn't one for violence. But I'll be damned if I let her exploit that

"Ugh!" I ball up then toss aside a t-shirt I was considering but have decided it wasn't good enough due to my anger against Natasha or her weird obsession with Drew.

"Woah there mama you okay? I'll wear something else just dont go King Kong on me." Phoebe jokes but I sigh

"Yeah Im good just thinking about how angsty your friend Natasha makes me."

"Sorry girl, shes a bitch but shes head cheerleader. Doesn't help that she's pretty, Natasha's just spoiled and gets territorial"

I scoff

"Is that why I'm on her hit list because Drew spoke to me my first day" I ask but I was dripping with scarcasm

Drew Douglas..Andrew Douglas.. I smile at the thought of his name and pull my burgundy cable knit sweater over my head. Drew was the all American boy. It was desperately impossible not to be swayed by his unyielding charm. We never had much time together before Natasha swooped in dragging him away by her claws to perform her Wiccan magic or whatever evil she does. The excuse Phoebe provided was that they have history, whatever that means

"Exactly" P pipes in but I roll my eyes

"The turtle neck, that way it wont overpower anything else you wear. You can be excessive" I say softly thinking about the light haired boy

When we were together it was pure art, he made the most awful jokes but they tended to be so bad I couldn't help but break down in tears I mean who makes donkey pickle jokes! But they worked for Drew, because he was cute. And never had bad intentions. It would be fair to say I had a little crush of the Douglas boy.

Phoebe  sighs

"Get the Prince out of your head, its already 8:00, only thirty more minutes before class starts"

"Shit!" I lived exactly thirty minutes away having no time to spare, snatching on the jeans, flats and my bag I hurry from the beautiful manor past the duplicates (but I had already deemed mine as better)

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