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Hey y'all whats good whats popping hows ya grandma and mama doing, keep the grades up and glow shining

Welcome back to this set of words I call a story!

So far Dawn and Phoebe are caught in a situation they can't really escape before school starts the next day. LISTEN TO UR MAMAS AND DONT SNEAK OUT(wink wink) or at least be smarter when you do it!!!

IT couldn't be helped.

Easily I could have slipped away out of scene with ease or stress of any kind. I had been in and out of locations like this since I was 13. I had no reason to either, but since I had spotted her out in the raunchy crowd my eyes wouldn't stray. Good girl in crowd of illegal activity wasn't a good mix at all, it was oil and water.

Most of the people here were ex cons and on the run goonies that let off their anger in dead beat places like this one. I looked down at my accessory with a smirk, to any upstanding citizen this was a symbol of being a pariah. But to me and the regulars here at the Barn it was a badge of honor. Especially for me.

"Etot novyy" {That one is new}Igor's chilling voice came from behind but I remained unbothered by the tone. Only nodding my head. "Beauty, a little childish but cute. Now friend is more sexy." He grunted taking another swig of beer to his head

Of course he would never interact first with them still being in high school, but he didn't turn down willing beauties above 18

My hands gripped at the steal balcony, mind returning to the girl. She didn't belong here. And she definitely didn't normally dress like that.

Little black dresses left nothing the imagination. I did not care much for the girl. She was just another person I went to school with. Though I was a man of control- I was a man and could not deny natural attraction. But that is where interest ended. The eyes that indicated it was first time here didn't fade. Why would someone who was visibly uncomfortable with violence and gore come here. And why would she stay. No doubt Phoebe had dragged her here now that they are friends.

It made me angry, wanting to chew her out for bringing outsiders to a world not made for outsiders.

What if she got scared and told mommy and daddy about her little outing? The little girl no doubt jeopardizes us all. Jeopardizes me.

My anklet would reactivate in less than two hours, so now that a pig has been discovered once again- Cruiser, that big fucker in the pen would spare no blind eye. Making sure everyone was checked, those suspicious would be held for more questioning. And that didn't involve light talking. And Cruiser was being lenient, had it been Monty well..the sick bastard made snuff films look pg 13

It was fight or casket at the Barn. We were animals.

After I left house, I met a couple of old associates at the pub down my side. The flag of Russia proudly waves outside the business and the smell of raw vodka reeked even before you stepped inside.

Eyes turned to me when I walked in but there was no time for a red carpet screening, I was far from where I was supposed to be . Some greeted and some stared in silence

Igor was there as usual as his lone table, coated in shot glasses. No one wanted to bother the ex hitman, but me? I strolled up to the man as if he expected my company. I feared no one, not even complex characters like Aleksei.

"Mne nuzhen moy braslet deaktivirovan" {I need my bracelet deactivated}

Dull greens roll up slowly to me before the smile of crooked yellow teeth and a single gold canine showed his clear amusement

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