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My wrist was hurting

I guess that is what happens when you've been blankly staring at a canvas for 45 minutes with a paintbrush propped up and ready to go yet..nothing inspiring moved me to create anything.

It was normal to feel creatively stagnant from time to time, however I knew that it was more than something as simple as that. It was my anger.

"Is that her..?"

"Yeah..I hear she has up groupies that try to latch themselves onto Vladkov beat up.."

"She does it herself?"

"Nah, she pussy"

Annoyingly false assumptions of me are beginning to take a damn toll. Clearly people are lacking the ability to now whisper. I know it was because of how visible Jacobe and I were around town these days. Going on small dates, picnics and everything that entails with the young love like in the stories I used to adore. Usually Jacobe would try to do the more extravagant stuff in the nearby town because he values privacy as he said, but some days I feel like he does it out of caution.

"Bitches can't even whisper nowadays, it's crazy" Phoebe sneers which puts a little smile on my face, but I try to abstain from feeding her attitude

"I heard she caused her best friend to quit cheer leading..what a friend she is."

"Friends? With a bitch like that? Couldn't be me"

And they giggled some more in all of their blissful ignorance. That peaceful school life I'd always dreamed was far from what I was getting and it was getting harder to be passive about my situation. Jacobe may have become used to people talking trash about his character but I wont let it continue. I set my brush down and and sigh

"If you're going to be that loud about me you might as well say it directly to me." I hear myself say, did I say that aloud??

And it was also me standing up in front of the two girls as their eyes began to bulge.

"I..its not like what were saying is untrue. Why else would you friend quit cheer leading? Don't you feel sorry for her? She gives up a lot by doing that" One of the girls try back and I falter. Yes, I did feel bad that Phoebe had left cheer leading because of Natasha. Indirectly because of me..Scholarships and credits down the drain, it was impossible for me to forgive myself for that

"I quit because Natasha is a bitch and was being a bitch. Not because of Dawn. And if y'all want war then start one with me if you really wanna" Phoebe steps beside me furthering scaring the girls.

"Jacobe and I may be a couple but we are different people. Yes he has a reputation, but I know at least 3% comes from gossipers." Their eyes now shy away from my own truthfulness.

Phoebe taps her shoulder on my own

"Look at you standing up for yourself" I laughed and the bell chimed over my sound

"I always stand up for myself, but I pick and choose my battles. Unlike one unruly girl I know." I shade her, a little happier that was the last class of the day and i'd be able to go home to relax my mind.

Unintentionally I've been on high alert mode, Jacobes reputation has not fallen onto me and while I don't care about what people have to say about me personally- it does become annoying after hearing the same things that aren't even true from people who haven't ever even had a conversation with you.

I truly don't know how Jacobe manages

"Well we can put that away for another eight hours, wanna go to Sam's? We can get that nasty ass tofu curry salad you like so much" We pass through the hallways and out of the main entrance, I've gotten used to the stares that people give me and they don't stop as we walk through the school yard. The judging and miscommunication were all the factors of high school right?

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