The Barn

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The water falling seared my skin, stinging my nerves with every pressured drop. Some might've jumped at the scorching water, it would give first degree burns no doubt. But I loved the pain. I lean further into the mist, allowing the steam to clog my consciousness. This will be the only time I will be off of my persistent edge

After I leave my bedroom, my vulnerability will cascade away. Right into the drain.

My family does not try to hide their suspicions any longer. Alexi knew of my movements but by time he caught on it was too late- he was spotting me on the corners of Willowbrook dealing and didn't question where I put the money though I'm sure he's noticed a change in my wardrobe from Micheal Kors to Fendi

I turn the water off, I had an appointment I needed to attend and I did not want to be late. Not out of consideration for my peers attending, but because I want to hurry up and claim what was mine.

Instantly, dark brown hair flashes through my mind. Yes. She was also mine. Perhaps I had been ignoring my own desires for too long. Focusing on claiming my wealth so much that I disregarding the fact that as a man, I have my primal urges.

Urges that I did not want to yet expose my Princess to. She was small and weak, I was a beast aand may hurt her if not completely under control. I only want the pain I inflict on her to be pleasurable.

Feeding in my ego, I search downwards- noticing a certain member begin to harden at just the mere thought of spreading her holes wide. Admiring them before my cock showed its appreciation for each twitching gape

"Blyad(fuck)" I grip my base and gift myself with light concentrated strokes..but it was not enough. I get out of the shower and reach for my phone dialing my princess.

I hate calling, texting kept things short and to the point and I detest speaking for prolonged periods of time. Nor do I have the patience for awkward silences. Anything you have to say to me- send through friggin text

But my little mouse was no simple someone. I craved her little squeaking

I smile as she answers almost immediately..that's my good girl

"Who has died to make the Jacobe Vladkov call instead of texting me?" She jokes but I try told hold in laughter. "Ni odin nikito baby(No one baby)" I begin to stroke again "But soon I will be killing that little pussy.."

Her quiet moan was hushed as she did not expect my response

"Jacobe, you're playing dirty" We had briefly stumbled on dirty talk once before, but got disturbed

"Am I? Are my comments creating a mess between those sweet thighs..I wish I was there in your room watching your breathes deepen while you watch me hover over that pretty pussy. Pulling that unnecessary lace to the side, seeing your nectar stick to the fabric as I blow on your swelling clit. Do you want me to come clean you up baby?" My smirk grows with every sentence, I hear her in the back.

Her bed shifts, she's laying down now. My strokes speed up at the though of her fingers massaging that sopping wet pussy. I would suck them dry for her. "I..I need you to help me..It's too wet to keep fingers in place"

"Aww, that pussy tingles doesn't it baby"

"Yes..uhm- I.."

"Yes what?" I ask panting harder now, the veins in my cock now protruding

"Yes daddy..I'm playing with it now but It doesn't compare to you.." My heart nearly jolts out of my chest hearing the dominant name. "Keep rubbing that little pussy for me baby, keep it warm for daddy till he can let his tongue fix it for you."

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