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MY hands covered my face. But my ears were clear as day, and they were the ones that witnessed the tasteless sound of bones grinding rigidly together then snap.

The scent of putrid scent of adrenaline and hard wired irony blood was dominant in the polluted crowd. My stomach churned dangerously in the face of these people who cheered and applauded the behavior going on in the pen.

Yes, a Barn it was.

It was only the third match of the night and far from the last. I began to recognize some familiar faces as the classmates I sat with in school and the mix of us was from A+ student prodigies to girls who skip first period to smoke. But we never approached each other.

Phoebe said that after last time speaking openly to people at school at the Barn incriminated everyone if people were caught. She held my hand tightly while she looked on boldly at the fight ahead.

Till one of the opponents beaten down and pulped, having one of the burly men drag him out of the pen.

"Do you want to go home?"

"No..I asked to come so I will stay"

I should have said that I wanted to leave. That this was all too much for me. I wanted to express my horror seeing the competitors maul each other. My feet were getting soar from the pumps, I shifted in them frequently to ease some of the stinging pain that prodded at the back of my heels. Though scantily dressed, the air was moist and humid, causing me to be drenched in sweat from the constant movement and body heat of others. Yes, barn was a fitting name.

But I kept the bile at the back of my throat, watching on

Then the music cuts instantly, halting everyone's festivities. The fighters ceased, the drinks stopped flowing and even the smokers dropped whatever they were poisoning themselves with.

"Whats happening??" I look around me cautiously bit a bit relived that the fighting had stopped. The fighting however was normal, and the unexplained silence worried me much more

"Fuck, I didn't think this would happen tonight..we gotta go" Phoebe announces grabbing my arm and tugging me from the crowd. Pushing past a crowd proved to be formidable

"Out of my way! Move!" Phoebe scorned at everyone who stood in her way, she was determined to leave but why??

"All right everyone, tonight we caught us a pig!" I heard come from the pen and the crowd roars some boos but mostly cheers

I turned my head back to see what the commotion was about but saw one of the burly men who acted as security push a skinny man into the pin, he and two other associates entered the ring also. The man who blended right into our crowd now looked terrified of what was to fall upon him.

"Pig?" I questioned

"Cop, he must have been an undercover waiting to bust the place again. Who knows if he is the only one, we could all be arrested by the end of the night."

"Fuck" I announce, not only was this guy about to get viciously assaulted, Phoebe and I could get into some deep shit if we were caught in the entire fiasco. And I wasn't going to risk being home schooled again. Even though I was terrified and naive and maybe not as developed as Phoebe, I wasn't going to let my chances go.

"Since we are fair people, Isn't that right?" The ring leader in the pen announces egging on the crowd and they cheer. "We are going to have our lovely officer be the star of the next match!" I wince..they're going to make the poor man fight to his own death, I couldn't in the moment imagine anything more cruel. This encourages me to push harder through the people. Though we had gotten rude looks and comments, no one started confrontation thankfully. I think it was because of how fearsome Phoebe looked

"Were not getting anywhere pushing through a crowd of people that want to watch a snitch get beat up" I thought as I looked forward to see that we had barely moves inches away from the arena.

"There isn't much more we can do.." Phoebe says realizing i'm right but doesn't know another solution. I remember back to a book a read on survival and escape. It would have come in handy for worldly travel. I had purposely skipped over a chapter on escaping crowds, never thinking it would be as useful as escaping being buried under ground. But before deducing the chapter unnecessary, I'd read the opening paragraph. I scoff to myself lightly, I would need to find that book again and fish the chapter.

"Phoebe, I need you to trust me and not talk so much." I didn't give her the chance to respond before grabbing her wrist and dropping down to my knees, pulling Phoebe with me.

"Dawn what the hell" She questions but I just pull her along between the legs of the people, it had become much easier that shoving through the mess of bodies as their bottom halves didn't have as much muscle. I tried to drown own the gruesome noise of torture behind us. The officer though with good intentions, was foolish to enter this lethal fortress where the punishment for any wrongdoers was death. I can conclude that from the way these people fight. It's all or nothing here.

Phoebe and I almost reached an ending point, I could sport the entrance we'd passed through

"And if this man's lifeless shell isn't enough for you bastards- Were making sure no other pigs leave here tonight alive. Lock the doors." The man in the ring announced, turning my blood as cold as ice. Phoebe and I stood up only to the the security barricading the entrance. "Dawn..I'm sorry for bringing you here"

"No, it's my fault for pressuring you."

We apologize like it was the last we would see of each other. But at that point neither of us knew a plan of escape.

We had no choice to turn our heads back to the ring, while more security surged through the crowd looking for anyone working with the law. I was out of moves, and I was terrified.

A hand snakes around my waist firmly, I begin to panic instantly and open my lips to cry for Phoebe's name. But I'm turned around to the same inky black eyes I tried to avoid at school.

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