I wont do it

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I noticed a plot hole but we gonna ignore it🤷🏽‍♀️ Also sorry for the late update, I'm graduating from my college in June and have been veryyyyy busy maintaining some A's

NORMALLY, my families dinner is filled with a swarm of laughter and jokes about the others day. However tonight..it was as if we'd left the door open. Having all of the cold pour in to make the atmosphere frost and bitter.

The way Ma' and Papas eyes darted to one another only heightened my nerves. I put down my fork.

"Is something the matter.." I speak up which seems to come as a surprise to the two. I wasn't in the mood to eat any longer.

"Ka melie..we want to talk about your friend" Ma' starts off with folded hands but I'm sure the confusion shows on my features.

"What about Phoebe?" They seemed to like her very much so what was there even to discuss. I would even consider her my best and closest friend. Phoebe after the incident became more my kin than friend, unfortunately her sticking up for me made her quit cheer leading due to a power struggle between her and the red head during a practice. At least that's how she put it

But I knew otherwise. Phoebe wasn't a quitter. Her stepping down was a choice before she did something she would regret, tensions had become high now more than ever. And although I tried to remain under a low profile, I've never seem to be able to do so since entering the shools system. This was a secret I didn't inform ma and papa about yet and the anticipation made my skin steam up

Papa clears his throat finally placing down his own utensils "We are talking about Jacobe Vladkov." I become noticeably still from the name before my eyes move to Ma's knowing ones

Damn, I didn't think they'd uncover everything so soon. Papa already knew but Ma's own concern raises his alarm bells because she rarely feared anything

My hands slam on the table and I raise out of my seat

"He's not like they say he is!" I defend Jacobe, I know..I know that they wont understand where I'm coming for or who the real Jacobe Vladkov was. Even ma' who never held any judgment in anyone looked at me like I was so foolish as to let my guard down around someone like him

Papa huffs standing his own ground

"You see Rainbow! Now she tries to cover the wolf! Dawn he has killed someone and probably countless other and you want me to believe everything will be fine!"

"I'm not justifying his actions I'm asking you to understand why he did the things he's done!"

For someone as moral as Papa nothing could justify murder, it was plain wrong

"Enough you two, I think we should invite Masha and her family over and-"

"No Rainbow, I refuse to have that whatever the hell he is in my home!"

"Well it's my home too Haku so I don't give a damn about what you refuse!" Ma's hands shoot up to her hips while she walks over to the bigger man, poking at his chest provokingly. She would never be intimidated by size, she personally wasn't intimidated by anyone. I longed to be that way as well. Her temper flares harshly causing papa to realize who he was speaking to and the  rage cooled down rapidly. His flared nostrils  and pulsing brow veins relaxing finally as he rests his much larger hands on the shoulders of his wife.

"e kala mai iaʻu(I'm sorry) I did not mean to project my anger at you my love" Ma nods as if she expected nothing less than what she deserves. Like the prideful Caribbean she is and she directs her eyes back to me "Don't let it happen again" Papa nods, placing a kiss on her forehead as another apology

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