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Is that a new watch...a diamond encrusted watch?" My fathers voice asks with a tone of absolute disbelief.

Ma's eyes rise up from her plate as well and drops her fork, with her mouth following. Giving me the look of "you better tell me where it came from"

My body grows rigid in my seat..suddenly breakfast doesn't taste so good anymore. I am already paranoid as it is, everyone felt the same. This is a very small town and words travel. Rumors spread like the poison in veins. And though solid evidence lacked, suspicion of one individual lurked dubiously among us.

It's not everyday that an entire gang is slain after all, it's been two weeks since the first headlines were made on the News. However the state of shock never faded

Jacobe was immediately questioned but they let him go because he had an alibi to vouch for his whereabouts that night..though something inside of me tells me that alibi could be...I don't know

I'm trying to have faith in Jacobe

I'm trying to trust my boyfriend. But when he comes to me, looking like he's the most accomplished person and presents me with a diamond watch and other gifts that I've hid from my parents. One has to wonder

He's been the same, stoic man I first met. But with an entourage in tow now. I recognize the one closest to him, I think I heard Jacobe all him Ivan..the boy with the scar from the docs.

I hadn't heard from Jacobe yet this morning, but I'm sure that is who he is with at the moment doing god knows what.. I wish he would reassure me properly.

"It's not real diamonds.." I lie "Jacobe just got it for me and I think it's cute" The watch was just the tip of the iceberg. The contents were also perfume, earrings that shined brighter than light and a Fendi purse..filled with money...

Jaime's told me that any girl would love to be in my place, being showered with gifts from someone as gorgeous as Jacobe. But those gifts mean nothing without the man. I barely even speak to Jacobe like how I used to. He comes over less and I don't feel comfortable around his new "friends" though he tells me I should trust them the most. Love my place sure..But could they handle what he does? Who he really is?

Can I handle it? Sometimes I wish I was foolish enough to ignore the blood lust in his eyes

"...Jacobe Vladkov? Dawn I thought I told you-"

"It wasn't him papa, and there is nothing that links him to the crime. He has his past wrong doings yes but you don't know what he's went through to get to that point!" Even if I am wrong in my mind, I wouldn't allow anyone to disrespect him in front of me.

Papa and ma' are now silenced

" the boy I like. Judge him not with the news but what is right in front of you" I close in almost dropping to my knees. Who was I trying to convince? Myself or my parents?

"Dawn is right my love, we should at least give him the benefit of the doubt." Ma' says coming over to me and resting her hands on my shoulders. "I trust Dawn and her judgement, she wouldn't love so carelessly. So I think this would be the best option to put this negative energy to rest." My smile beams at my mother and then I turn expectantly to papa

But once Ma' joins my side, he is never able to resist.

"Fine. But If I find that boy to be unsuitable, you must leave him be Ka Melie" I suck my lips inward. That promise is too much, but I'd risk it anyways. I leap into his form, my arms only wrapping around a portion of his large frame.

"Thank you Papa"

At this, my phone buzzes in my pockets and I don't hesitate to grab at it. My face rising in color at the message.

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