The Kāne's and The Vladkov's

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God I know I should be doing homework but..its whatever bc i know y'all are supposed to be doing homework too but here y'all are! This is Phoebe, yes she's a real life doll baby

Grab some chips, a sip sip and enjoyy

Live life!


THERE was no way they could keep me away from The Barn.

It was second home, I was main resident. News had quickly spread about me being back to Delaware Beach and it made the miscreants pool with anxiety or blood thirst. Usually both.

I couldn't go too far with my probation anklet. As much as I wished to rip it off and I probably could if I put enough energy into it. But I didn't want to go back to jail for something stupid like that. Probation for a killer, life sentence for breaking probation, you know how the system is.

But what wasn't a waste of time?

It was past normal hours, a little after 2 am. My favorite hour.

I didn't sleep at all. Throughout the school day I was zombie, waiting to be let out of the gorged pit of hell that was high school. The bastards I ran with were expelled in my absence leaving me with the goody goodies and it bothered the hell out of me. I sat in the back of every class yet I wouldn't miss the occasional look back of some girl.

I shake my head lacing up the leather boots and the only girl I wanted to look back never did.

I huff irritably. That girl set fire in veins. Those eyes were calculating chocolate opals that unnerved me slightly..She knew I watched her, I felt it. She wasn't an oblivious idiot. But she chose to always keep her distance..While it annoyed me, it was smart to do so. I had discovered her name was Dawn that was it. Friends with Phoebe, no doubt the cheerleader spilled information on not only why she despised me but why the girl shouldn't touch me with a ten foot pole. I didn't care. Phoebe is pointlessly upset at me. I never told her boyfriend to get in the ring. No one forced him.

I scoff taking my jacket and heading downstairs quietly, only not disturb Ekaterina while she slept. I care not of what the other two discovered. If I was grown enough to go to Prison I was grown enough to leave my house whenever the fuck I pleased. But making my way to the entrance, a light from the dining room comes on.

"Where are you going so late Jacobe.." she questions, hair frazzled and eyes set in stone with concern. Slight disappointment but I couldn't seem to are about her disappointment.

"Out" I respond without a second glance and open the door but Masha is on my fucking tail. Grabbing my jacket making me growl lowly. "Jacobe you are on probation how you try sneaking out of home!" she cries but I release her grip on me easily

"I wasn't sneaking out, you just witnessed me leaving" The tears were flowing now from the smaller woman but those eyes didn't tear from mine. Masha readjusted her grip. What the hell. I could fling her across the room yet she still does this bullshit. Finally I sigh "Ya idu mama.{I am going mama}" Her tears overflow and spill on her aged cheeks. I firmly remove her for the last time but lean over to kiss her forehead coldly. "Ya delayu eto dlya nas, eto yedinstvennoye, chto ya znayu, kak eto sdelat{Im doing this for us, this is the only thing I know how to do right}" I drop mamas arms to the side and head out the door. I have no car. My feet will guide me through the night.

I would go to see an old friend. A friend that owed me a favor.


A sudden knock as the door had startled Rainbow.

She looked amongst her group of chatty stay at home moms and silently counted. Was there someone that was late? she was sure she had targeting every woman who lived on the block. With a polite smile and stealthy tactics that her husband would call crazy, It was quite a full house, Rainbow didn't anticipate all of the women to show up but it was a pleasant surprise and called for ordering Chinese instead of the tiny snacks she'd prepared. The Sunset Drive women gathered there for her special beginning of Spiritual enlightening, a two hour yoga/Pilates session she saw fit to put together.

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