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"Please little mouse?"

Somehow the little insult made my insides convulse sporadically

Jacobe strains painfully holding onto my balcony but also gripping his stomach. My jaw unknowingly clenches, drinking in the battered appearance, his crooked nose leaned more to the right but it didn't take away from the natural allure

His sweater I complained of a day earlier was was ruffled and torn in exposed places, the hard skin of his abs clearly visible as the black shirt looked tattered and lined with ripping. My cheeks rise in temperature at this but I push my fantasies to the back of my head

The amount of pain must be unbearable. But his house is no joke a few steps away from mine yet he comes here instead of the familiarity within his own home

Wait- maybe this happened there?

Without hesitating further, I open the two other sectors of the window then wrap Jacobes arm around my neck while I make my other arm useful around his torso to hold him up

Ugh..mercy he is far from light..

"Fuck, easy on side girl.." I gasp a bit releasing a bit of my firm hold on him

"Sorry sorry..here lay down" I guide him to my bed and he flops down on the frilly sheets but even the softened mattress makes him stir in pain, groaning deeply through tightly clenched teeth. I drop to my knees and reach to his forehead and surprisingly he lets me..a fever.

I was terribly nervous

I looked around quickly scoping to see if anything was out of place. I hope he didn't find distaste in my room or distaste in me. I didn't own much from my life on the road, but papa insisted on buying me an entire bedroom set of mirrored furniture, pretty glass knickknacks and dramatic floor length pastel peach curtains with golden accents

My heart thumps at the sound of Jacobes slight moaning

"Jesus Jacobe what..I mean how even. The Fight was later tonight no?" I look to my bedroom door then back at Jacobe with my fingers to my lips

"Quietly please..or there with be more bruise on you.."

He grunts, shifting to try getting comfortable but it doesn't look to help

Jacobe opens his eyes, inspecting me without words. My nervousness climbs levels. I wish he wouldn't look at me directly. He doesn't know the power of his eyes and how erratic my heart gets when he stares.

"Got Jumped, can't be helped when im in a career like this. Right after therapy too, aint that crazy?" Jacobe says to himself more than to me, looking off in the distance but smirks when he pans back to my horrified face

"Dont be so scared baby- people fight, people get unfairly beat up." His small smile remaining

"I'm gonna go get some bandaids and the first aid kit" I hop to my feet but Jacobe strangely still had his brute strength and wrapped securely around my waist, pulling me down unto the bed with him

The pacing in my heart doubles and my body heats as we are practically spooning. Too much! I try to move but he has me locked so I give in and huff before looking at his serious face. The bruising and swelling even more prominent up close

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