Little mouse

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"One, two annnd up. There you go darling!" Mama lifts up my legs skyward with a firm grip on my calves to keep my balance in tact while my palms were placed on the indigo mat

I close my eyes, breath deep. Trying stay still and relaxed as my life lately has been anything but

"Okay Dawn, I'm going to let you go now"

"Go ahead.." I strain slightly "I'll be fine" Mama lets go of my legs and backs away slowly from me

"Lean forward slowly.." She instructs and I do

I think of everything, Phoebe, pastel water colors, strawberries..all the things that could make me happier. But It ends abruptly as my mind travels back to that night at The Barn. The fear that trembled in that mans eyes as he was outed and his fate that was sealed even after I got back to Phoebes

I got home later in the day after a draining spell at school. I left my shoes on the welcome rug and teetered upstairs quietly not to make known I was home because talking was not in my head. I shook off my outside clothes, remembering not to sit on my bed or pillows in the jeans I sat in the public place with.

We didnt have much furniture to begin with but papa had invested in a fluffy white accent chair with golden legs he said would make my room feel whole.

I slugged my duffle bad of last nights actions onto the chair and raced to the bathroom to wash away my sins of the night. Unsuccessfully.

I was shocked to all hell with a blazing anger upon seeing that officers face plastered on the news channel as missing in action. And that I couldn't bring him justice

My arms weakened and posture faded like a ripple in a stream. "Damn!" I yelp as my tail bone misses the comfortable fiber mat by a few inches and hits the Swan colored wooden floor instead

"Dawn my goodness what has happened to you? You used to be so good hand stand arching.." Ma says confused but if only she knew, we would leave town faster than night and day

I pull myself up clenching teeth "Ugh..I guess it's just all the stress of homework throwing me off today.." As if it was just homework. I was doing great in school, my grades were too good to be true for someone without a formal teaching. It was knowing that horrible place existed doing horrible things. It was knowing or knowing enough about Jacobe Vladkov.

I gag slightly

I get chills seeing him around the school campus and I tried to look in the other direction as much as possible. He showed little care for classroom etiquette as he often had his head down, pushed past people in the hallway and never said a word to anyone but in a fashion as if no one deserved to be spoken to. He was a right bastard but.. he did help Phoebe and I so he had some moral compass I suppose.

"Jesus child I knew putting you in that place would throw off your chakra. Tell me now and you know I will put you right in homeschool." Ma helps me up still rubbing my sore hip

"No Ma dont fuss about it, I have to learn how to manage this kind of stuff. I'll get the hang of it just..anyways when does your yoga class start?" I try to brighten up the mood and not let this woman into my own funk I put on myself

That seemed to get her distracted because her smile lights up the room

"They should all be here any minute! A little snobby bunch but likable people I suppose. Ah, but there is one who is quiet as a fly. Masha her name is."

"Can I invite Phoebe next time?"

"Of course, I would love to read her aura" And I couldn't help but laugh at the spiritual woman. But soon the door bell rang

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