To Make a Monster

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I never thought that I would have to clarify that Dawns mom was black😭I didn't know that I would have to physically say that Rainbows hair color is due to extensions and hair dye (despite me already saying she was West Indian) I'm still getting asked why her parents aren't black

Stay in school y'all
Reading, context clues and deductive reasoning go a long way💜

It was cold today. idealno (Perfect).

"It's fucking freezing.." Ivan rubbed his hands together almost like mad as he continued to bite down on his cigarette, relying on the poison to cure his winter chill. But I stood still, on the look out for any sudden movements to be made as we were on the brink of death before even getting our hands bloodied. It was the weekend. I had told Dawn I'd be out, sparing her the gruesome details of my intentions. She never needed to hear what I do.

"Deal with it. It is the only way we get what we need." I was in no mood to waste time. And enough time had been spent doing that.

Alexei was a bitch to get out of the way tonight, insisting on driving me to my destination. As if I'd let his snitch ass follow me. If I didn't know better- I think he's turn me in had he known that I was planning the ultimate coupe to become the next ringleader of Delaware Beach.

It was now into the fifth month of my operations. The Irish were at the top of their games at the Barn and the cocky bastards were slipping more everyday. This was now the time. Their inside music was loud and distracting, could be heard from even where we were placed.

"Are your people ready Ivan"

It took weeks, months for meticulously plotting an event that I would calculate to last about 3- maybe four hours max. Months that I had been funneling money to Dima's greedy ass. He doesn't that things take time. He acts like the Irish some days. Impulsive, stupid, and greed driven. Luckily I am only 1/3. What I wanted wouldn't take long. We were mounted behind gas barrels that were supposed to be barricades to the Irish head quarters, but for now they were my point of detail. Scoping the scene carefully. There weren't as many stand by men as there usually would be.

"They're on. Just gotta take down that big mother fucker at the door" My eyes squint at the gargantuan ginger guarding the front entrance. Their headquarters resembled more of a pub/club than a hideout. But of course that was on purpose to escape lawful pursuit. The man was large, but I never stood down from a challenge, no matter how big the bastard may be.

I flip out my phone and dial "Igor"



"Finally.. I was getting bored of watching those pigs win"

A few seconds later without warning, arms appear from behind the beast- then a rope lassos around his neck. Severely tightening, he struggled..tumbling backwards and choking though the loud music made the death almost inaudible.

Sending Igor who was shorter was absolutely a risk

However, I knew he would get the job done no matter what size the target may be. And Shrek over there was no exception.

The more he struggled, he harsher Igors grip became on the roping and it was beginning to show..the bear was getting tired of struggling. He finally falls to his knees, managing to release one last croak before face falling into the rough concrete.

And as quickly as he came, the figure behind was gone.

"That Igor is one sick bastard.."

"Isn't it good that he's on our side?" I smile at Ivan who just glares coldly but he stands with an eye roll

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