There's something wrong with Jacobe

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🔔🔔🔔I don't know why you guys don't like Phoebe omg! Stop attacking her lmaoo, she's a good friend and her reasons for not liking Jacobe are valid

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🔔🔔🔔I don't know why you guys don't like Phoebe omg! Stop attacking her lmaoo, she's a good friend and her reasons for not liking Jacobe are valid. She only wants the best for Dawn and shame on y'all for bashing her just because she doesn't fw Jacobe. Who isn't a good/sane person by the way! Just cause he critiques her doesn't mean she's bad. They don't need to like each other. Even if Prince was in the wrong, Phoebe is still a person with feelings🚨🚨🚨

        It was exceptionally cold today. I didn't stretch every day but on this intensely chilled morning I felt something I never did before. It startled me after I woke up and realized that I was completely enveloped in it and scary was not near articulate enough. It scared me even more when I had registered that despite my alarm, I didn't budge a leg from under the thick duvet. That staticky atrocious anger towards my parents for trying to separate me from Jacobe scorned my impression of them deeply.

There was no hesitation when rolling out the matt then beginning my starter positions to ease the sleep out of my body

How do I even still communicate with them with this new light of how they are? Are they protecting me or are they just scared of me making my own path in a way they themselves didn't organize?

My breath when rising from my downward dog had come out as a frustrated huff of dissatisfaction. I give up on calming myself down

Kicking the mat to the side I flop back down in bed and hit the youtube app, hoping to find some sort of peace within a Jenna Marbles video. Purposely I had set my alarm a tad earlier than usual to make sure I had that breathing room to maybe forgive my parents. I wasn't a defiant child, but I was old enough to recognize wrongs and rights.

When 7 finally came my eyes rolled back in annoyance, normally the beautiful sunrise calmed me but it only now reminded me of the awkwardness that came with this house.

None the less, I got dressed.

Sending my usual good morning texts to Phoebe and even Jacobe though he never responds to them. Always saying he would rather say those things in person, but I think it is his way of sneaking those adoring kisses

"Ugh" I press my hands to my face and hold my head skywards, never imagining I'd actually miss the boy

I wonder if he feels the same..

I slowly tap down the stairs, trying not to make my presence known.

"Dawn my star breakfast is..ready" mama says with her usual boisterous vocals. She too although inside was completely wrapped in an oversized sweater to shield the winter wind. But it cuts into a melancholic rhythm when she tip toes into the foyer only to not see me prepared for the food she had put together, but slipping on my snow boots. It had been heavy snow yesterday.

My scarf and winter coat layered around me but I could feel the icy stiffness in the room

"I made cereal earlier.." A lie. I seemed to be doing that a lot more lately. Of course I would being with a master of lies himself. But blaming Jacobe wont help.

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